Convenient Speech Bubble Setup

  • October 13, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: InGaN
  • License: CC-0
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This demonstrates a convenient text overlay/speech bubble that follows the camera.

The plane representing the speech bubble copies rotation and location from the camera. The text is a child of the plane. The plane is deformed with the X and Y displacement modifiers and a texture to create an imperfect outer border. An outline is created using the solidify modifier technique. The first solidify turns the plane into a 3d object, and the second is used as described here.

So in summary, how to use: Edit the solidify outline material to change the outline color. Edit the Speech Bubble BG material to change the speech bubble background color. Edit the displace X and displace Y modifiers to change the imperfect border. Change the thickness on the second solidify modifier (named Add the Outline) to make the border thicker. Use a different plane mesh if you want different base shapes. The text is never converted to a mesh so you can always change it.

This was created for a graphic novel project. It seemed easier to be able to arrange text bubbles in Blender in order to be able to adjust elements of the scene to allow for a good layout. Adding text post-render means sometimes realizing too late that there isn't enough room for the desired text.


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