Barrett 50 cal - Tank buster

  • October 22, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: Ietermagog
  • License: CC-BY
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I made a Barret 50 cal as practice for hard surface modeling. There's so many already out there, so I decided to make it free.

I modeled it from perspective images I found on the internet.

I tried my best to keep it low for games. As was the intended purpose of the model.

The default muzzle break looked too low poly when I modeled it and I looked at the Barrett 50 cal in Payday 2 to see how the stand was put together. I saw the design for the "Tank Buster" muzzle break and it just looked so much better when I tried to model that one instead!


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