
  • April 01, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: MajorNightmare
  • License: CC-BY
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I knew there was a reason I liked Nathan's rigging, it's awesome. My proof, Blender's new Rigify addon is made by Nathan and the Blender crew.

If you haven't been blending IK/FK or using Rigify, what are you waiting for?

The animation/action I made is to help weight painting and put the rig through its paces. It passes the elbow over the shoulder test, wrist twist test and backflip test I run all rigs through before using them in further in Blender and Unity down the road Not perfect weight painting, but close enough to get you going and see the advantage of the 2 bone wrist/elbow... if you've been struggling there. My GUIBone example suffered from this. On the way to solving it, found a link to Rigify and quickly dropped my last rig and started using Rigify.

Reasons to use Rigify.

1) Its Nathan Vegdahl handy work

2) Its built right in blender

3) Modifiable bone template that can adjust to a wide range of bided rigs or different shapes and sizes.

4) My favourite option: Snap IK to FK and Snap FK to IK. I'd been pondering this option for a while now. No more pondering. It's a great help in IK/FK blending.

5) 2 bone wrist/Elbow. Other bones use the2 bone method as well on DEF bones, but the wrist is where you will see the biggest benefit.

Caveats: If you hit the Generate button a second time for a bone adjustment you made, you will need to re-apply the bone groups.

Nathan Vegdahl - http://www.sintel.org/news/simple-biped-rig-in-blender-25/

Model by Samuel "arshlevon" Sharit - face by me http://wiki.polycount.com/BaseMesh and thanks to Blender 2.6x

See Jamie's crash course on Rigify here:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txl1X2WVX_E&w=560&h=315]

Contact info: https://paulbzpud.wixsite.com/portfolio enter your email address in the "subscribe" section to get in touch with me for any freelance or game dev projects.


  • deadparrot profile picture

    The deformations in the picture above look great, however, when you clear the pose in the file its clear that the model has certain things wrong with it.

    For instance the neck looks like its severely twisted in its rest pose. Did you double/triple check the model after aplying the weights?

    Written April 02, 2012
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Not having that issue, but it was done with 2.60 not 2.62 (I modified the post). It could explain why. Also I did not make this for people to use in production. It was simply to show the benefits of Rigify and a technique I use on adjusting and checking wieghting while posed.


    Written April 02, 2012
  • reidh profile picture

    How to find Biped Rig by nathan vegdahl?

    http://www.sintel.org/news/simple-biped-rig-in-blender-25 404 NOT FOUND

    any suggestion for my inquiry?

    Written April 14, 2014
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Use the Rigify addon included in Blender since v2.6. He was the primary developer of the addon.

    Written July 16, 2015
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Thought about your issue some more... By chance did you zero the pose at the last frame? If so the model has been rotated 360 degrees around the torso bone to achieve the back flip. You can't just un-rotate 360 degrees of movment and expect blender to do the in-betweens properly in a frame or 2.

    Also make sure you have all the manipulator bone layers visible when you zero, some will be zeroed and some still rotated 360. Press N to see the Rig Layer visibilty.

    Written April 03, 2012
  • Nalim profile picture

    Looks awesome, will try it out for sure

    Written August 07, 2012
  • meltingman profile picture

    super Rig.. the best i try here.. very usefull. Y hop on action lib whil be create for Blender whith this model.

    Sorry for my English.

    Written November 18, 2012
  • avans3d profile picture

    Downloading to study different character Blending and rigging. Thnx.

    Written March 09, 2013
  • RenderedHistory profile picture

    nice job

    Written May 28, 2013
  • Ogli profile picture

    Seperate roll bones rock! Too bad that the standard rigify rig doesn't have 4 bones but 2 bones for arms/legs - no roll bones there.

    Written September 15, 2013
  • GoodRabbi profile picture

    Great work! I'm not seeing any issues listed above. Your animation is pretty sharp! However, since I don't really use others .blend files (Just my constant revisions), I can't figure out which bones to weight paint in the Def layer, i.e... which of the two bones of each segment, or should i paint both? using the upper arm as an example, the upper one, or the one closer to the elbow?

    Written December 23, 2013
  • GoodRabbi profile picture

    Just realized I can just check your file for weights... Ha! thank you for your help!

    Written December 24, 2013
  • nepemex profile picture


    Written July 21, 2016
  • Rogue profile picture


    Written May 08, 2019
  • marthana80 profile picture


    Written July 22, 2019