^full size render^
Original model by Chris Kuhn ( I decided it would be fun to texture - so I did :)
Rendered with Cycles (r46506)
can i wonder how did you figured out for the UV mapping and painting? Mari? Zbrush? modo? photoshop? this is just a top sharing! :D this kind of model would probably cost like 200 $ in a pro model market !
Nope, all Blender - no hand painting, just a single AO bake for the dirt
I just checked textures there is only one UV with AO. Holy blender .How did he do that ?:)
I get a purple ship. What did I do wrong, I wonder. The textures folder is empty.... Yet texture jpgs seem to be referenced. Did I download the wrong build?
Just downloaded this if you get the pink missing textures problem go to file -> external data -> report missing files look at what is missing then go to file -> external data -> find missing files and navigate to the folder with the textures in it should work after that! :D
oh my gosh!!!!! haha,,, nice your godlike,,and rampage,, me with that! stuuf! tnx for sharing it,,
very nice ,look like a cinema quality ,it can be used for a movie ,it look very true and realistic,immagine a large space battle scene whit t some of these ships firing each other whit flashes ,and lighits effect like lasers and missile's trails,it will look like hollywood movie that can be viewed at the nearest cinema.
How big is this file or i need to be a sponsor member to be able to download it?. by the this is solid, i love it.
The file is 48mb you don't have to be a sponsored member to download, you just have to have enough bandwidth for the week to download, you get 100mb a week of download. You've already used 58mb this week, so you will have to wait until next week to download or become a Sponsored Member ;)
Mama Mia! Can I ask how long the whole process from modeling to composting took?
I did not model it, read the description. But the texturing took somewhere between 5 and 10 hours.
Fantastic work , in all levels . I hope one day Mr Zaal would, put a spin on one of my vessels .
I have the same problem with mine, anyone know what is causing this? I am extremely new to Blender and have no idea why it is crashing the program. Other than shutting the program down and a pop up window telling me my computer is sending an error report to Apple, I am giving no other indication as to what is happening.
It's most likely that you don't have enough memory to fit the object in. Or - some important stuff in blender has changed since this file was uploaded (features added, removed or changed) and thus causes the crash. If that is true, then 2.63 should be able to render it fine -
Yesterday I discovered blender software. I tried a file and it works well. I'm now trying to learn more about this program. I do hope that being apart of this family will help me to grow in skill and knowledge
Good luck, make sure to visit for help and advice. a great community.
and, blendernerd and blenderguru for great tutorials.
good luck
Hey greg, I've used the model in a short animation of mine. Even though I re-textured it in AFX (Element 3d, Basic Materials & ProShaders) I still used your color scheme. You can find the animation here: Hope you like it.
Textures only render in a Cycles render, so this can't be exported (textured) to .obj or .fbx.
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Holy crap, this is awesome