Its A WereWolf!!!
Wile I Was Learning A Few New Tricks I Decided To Give My Self A Challenge.
Textures Included
He Is Also Rigged, He Has No IK Constraints Tho, Just A Basic Armature
You Can Use It For What Ever You Want, But If You Guys Make Something Cool Like A Animation Or Awesome Render Let Me Know :)
no problem. you did a beautiful job skinning it. did you do that by yourself?
Thanks :) And Yeah, Used Photoshop And Texture Paint.
Nice Work On Your FPS By The Way, Looks Awesome :)
Very nice. Can't wait to crack te blend open. I'll rigify him for you as well.
Wow, Thanks A Lot. If You Want To, When You Finish. Send It To Me And I'll Re-Upload It. With Credit To You For The Rig
Thanks For The Support :)
Hey, me and my friends are using your blend file as a model for our game.
Thats Awesome, Best Of Luck. Would Love To See It Some Time :)
i think it might be too high poly for a game. you might want to "retopologize" the model and reskin it... btw triangles usually work better in the game engine :) great idea though, i would love to help you with your game any way i can
Wow, where can I learn these tips and tricks? I love the topology and how it compliments all the details of this creature's anatomy. It's something I've been struggling with for a long time now. And thanks MajorNightmare for rigging it! I'm going to use it for practicing animation. I'll upload a video and share the link when it's finished.
Glad You Like It, The Internet Is A Very Good Place To Learn. Watch Tutorials From BlenderGuru And Blender Cookie. Best Tip I Could Give You Is To Practice Re-Topology. Sculpt Your Model And Then Use The Snap Tool (Little Magnet Just Above The Time Line) To Focus More On The Flow And Topology Of Your Model. Good Luck. :)
very nice :D . I am thinking of makin an animation using it if I succeed in making so , I will post to you its link
I love it! Thank you so much for sharing this with the community. I think the alien bug is awesome too, and both of them are perfect for a fantasy or sci-fi game!
i guess he is missing his mouth? =S can you update that pls? great model and rig btw =3
Nice job buddy, i will be using this for my youtube series in blender thanks for the "warwolf"
This is very cool, thank you. I am thinking about using it in an animation for my YouTube channel, Ashes and Flames!
Nice man. Your credit atached and congratulations. Thank you very much! Edward from Brazil.
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amazing!!! absolutely amazing!