UPDATE 9/13/13 M:D:AI made a lot of changes to the topology, I change the rigg, and I start to make some shape keys, the next things to work are the clothes and also, more shape keys.
After a lot of work this is my result, a cute girl, still in WIP, but now I will be bussy study, programming, so here you have this girl, I hope you like it
And now we know you got booty modeling skills, LOL! Blendswap porn at its best, LMAO! I'm curious, of all the angles you could have taken that image why this one? hahaha. I'm just playing with you! You did a fine job, good work!
Actually I was trying to make a better angle and pose, but the rigging give problems so I made it simply. And thanks for the compliment :)
Could i possibly implement this character into a video game?
I don't really know the poly faces are 35052. I made her for animation, but not for games, but I don't really know the number of faces that a character must have for a video game it always depends, a powerful machine it can handle more faces. I think yes :P
:P LOL i think i could possibly make that fixed. + i could make a similar model off of yours if i could. AND i cant import the character or get the animation working. It only shows her Face
Sorry but I don't understand that, maybe it need more order in the layers, I supose. Please be more especific.
Pretty good Topologie on the Model. There's just a 5 Vert N-Gon and a Triangle Face near the ear, which could be changed to quads easily. For a Stylized Character the proportions are also fine. Somehow i cant control the bones in Pose Mode. I can't find the solution for that?! I guess the Deform on the problematic zones (knees, shoulders, hips) are also fine but i could not test it hehe.
select the bone and change this. (maybe) it's on rest mode, just select the bones and change it to pose mode then you can move the bones I hope. Yeah not perfect rigg, but I want to made that, better and also facil rigg, later I will upload a better version :)
Ah yeah i found the Solution. The Armature settings are set to "Rest Position" so you have to switch to "Pose Position". The Rig is not perfect but that's fine you already mentioned it, but i have to say that: when you rotate the left eye it somehow scales in a strange way. was funny when i found that one hehe.
Si cuando aprenda a manejar mejor Python y conosca mas como se deforma la cara hare el rig para la cara, por supuesto hare mejores controles, y cambios a la topologia :)
Oh now I got it, you want a version for the render "Blender Render" Yeah I could do that. Gimme some time my friend.
Why is most of the face is not showing on view port and render, invisible face, only visible at edit mode. I have try Alt+H but not working.
Moses you have to change the render to Cycles, I downloaded and test it in Blender 2.73 and it work fine.
I tried it out and am getting the same issue as moses2015. It may be a location issue. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?49963-Mesh-Disappears-in-Object-Mode
in cycles view port object mode, the body is invisible, except the head. help please!!
Tengo un problema, en cycles object mode viewport, el cuerpo es invisible, solo puedo ver la cabeza
El modelo esta bien pero OK hare algunos ajustes al personaje como dejar bien ajustado el viewport.
if you cant see her body theres a button in the upper corner that says reload trusted and you need to click on it
Thank you.