Longsword Fan Art

  • April 24, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: heraSK
  • License: CC-0
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Yet another sword. I saw this one at SwordAndArmory website, thought it looked OK. There's an anisotropic texture packed within blend file.



  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Hey, I have to tell you that this is modeled extremely well. I have looked at the pictures that you have posted on the Google community site but now having had the opportunity to download this I have gained a deeper respect for your work. It's clean and not filled with a lot of extraneous verts. I downloaded it to see how you modeled the blade, see if I could learn something more about weapons modeling and discovered that you and I, at least with this particular blend file, model in very much the same way. That being said I did learn some new things from this that I will definitely take into future projects. Well done and thanks for the share.

    Edited May 02, 2014
  • heraSK profile picture

    thank you, my friend!

    Written May 12, 2014
  • napahfif profile picture

    Nice work dude, gonna use it in my school project (:

    Edited September 05, 2016
  • Crotalidae75 profile picture

    Used this in a test render for a project I'm working on, in Blender. This was just what I needed, for a realistic sword.

    Octobox test renders

    Written December 13, 2016