Mario Fan Art

  • April 09, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: nsceusa
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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This blender file contains the character Mario! It is modeled, textured and rigged. Its ready for animation right now! The rig has custom control shapes, blendshapes to fix deformation issues and settings to control rig attributes and control visibility. The textures include color and custom bump maps for the pant seams,and the hat logo. Subsurface scattering has also been included in the skin material and built for the cycles render engine. Plus a couple other goodies too!

I have also included a tutorial instructing you on how to use the rig. This will allow you to take full advantage of it and get up to speed on what is included in the blend file.. Follow this link to the video:

While this is a fan art piece I would still like you to credit me with the creation of the model, texture and rig. Feel free to adapt it but please credit me in whatever medium you use it in. Also, please use this for educational reasons and personal projects only. I have placed this under the CC-BY-NC license to ensure it never gets used commercially, but its does not mean you can use this for whatever you want. Just because you claim its for "non commercial" purposes it does not automatically fall under fair use. Again this is fan art and the character design belongs to Nintendo. Please consult copyright and fair use laws before you use this blend file and credit Nintendo with the character design. I do not take legal responsibility for how you use the blender file, so please be careful.

Lastly feel free to contact me if you have a suggestion, tip or an improvement. I would like to edit this from time to time and make updates to make it as complete as possible. I won't update it constantly but expect updates periodically (if there is enough interest). If you would like to contribute to the blender file feel free to send it in and I will credit you. Contact me in the comments below. Happy animating!


  • danifou profile picture

    The youtube link is private... cannot see vid.

    Edited April 10, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    hey danifou, I changed it to public. My fault. Check the link again, let me know if it still give you trouble and I'll troubleshoot.

    Edited April 10, 2015
  • murrrraaaaa profile picture

    even though its 85 mb its ace

    Edited August 17, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    hey murrraaaa. Glad you like it! The 85 mb is due to me including the blendshapes used to fix the deformation issues of the mesh. I wanted to allow users to adjust them as they see fit. You can easily delete them if you so choose. That should drop the file size significantly. Happy blending!

    Edited August 17, 2015
  • Stevenb profile picture

    You certainly put a lot of effort into this. Thanks for the upload.

    Written April 11, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hi StevenB. Many thanks! I wanted to give back to the blender community and let folks explore animation with a detailed model and rig. Have fun with it!

    Edited April 11, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hi Everyone just a heads up: I have changed the license to CC BY NC to emphasize that you are not to use this for commercial purposes. This is Nintendo's character after all! I released this for educational reasons and for people to have fun with it. I do not take any legal responsibility for how you decide to use the blender file so please use caution in how you decide to use it. Thanks!

    Edited April 11, 2015
  • siciliano87 profile picture

    awesome! Thank you!

    Written April 12, 2015
  • CoyHot profile picture

    Great model ! Thank you very much !

    Written April 12, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Many thanks siciliano87 and CoyHot! Hope to see some cool animations come out of this :)

    Edited April 12, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    I had a really interesting discussion on blendernation about the use of this model as there are potential issues with the copyright law. So I just want to clarify things: You should be free to use this model so long as its for educational reasons or personal projects. Just because your project is "non commercial" this does not mean you can use the character in all instances (such as creating an animation for promoting your company in some way). Please review copyright and fair use if you are unsure. This is Nintendo's character and they have a right to protect their Intellectual Property. You don't get to use this just because you claim your not making money off of it. So please be respectful of Nintendo's character, and credit them with the design of the character in any of your projects. I applied the CC-BY-NC license to ensure it never gets used commercially, but its still fan art and in the end the design is Nintendo's. Please animate responsibly!

    Edited April 16, 2015
  • awesomesauce89 profile picture


    Edited August 26, 2015
  • cybercade profile picture

    does not work wasted 85mb

    Edited October 09, 2015
  • gameshaker profile picture

    how do i get it o my blender i keep on downloading it but it never pops up on blender

    Written November 20, 2015
  • gameshaker profile picture

    but the picture is amazing i really give credit to you

    Written November 20, 2015
  • nsceusa profile picture

    hey gameshaker Thanks for the comment! as for the file opening issue I just tested the download on this page. It opens up just fine on my machine. Did you extract the zipped file after download? Give me a full rundown and I will try and help you trouble shoot. Also what OS are you running?

    Written November 20, 2015
  • guruchan07121231 profile picture

    I will use thank you

    Written April 27, 2016
  • Letsgame59 profile picture

    the mario model is awesome but unluckly to much for my computer :(

    Written September 13, 2016
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hey Letsgame59, sorry for the really late reply! I went on a blendwap break for quite a while. I included blendshapes in the source file in the event anyone wants to edit them. You can delete them to significantly drop the amount of data in the file. Also there is low res "puppet" version on one of the layers so you can animate it without lag. Hope that helps

    Written February 10, 2017
  • klevisn profile picture

    how do i put a camera in this? srry im new

    Written October 14, 2016
  • nsceusa profile picture

    hey klevisn, been on a blendswap break. Did you figure out how to get a camera?

    Written February 10, 2017
  • Karlintheblocks profile picture

    it so amazing i will give a credit to you

    Written December 06, 2016
  • noom1412 profile picture

    amazing mario

    Written December 22, 2016
  • nsceusa profile picture

    that is really weird. Another user reported an issue with downloading it. I have tested the download on a couple different machines with no issue. Maybe try downloading it on a different machines?

    Written February 10, 2017
  • nsceusa profile picture

    if you do manage to download it let me know if it opens. That has popped up occasionally as well

    Written February 10, 2017
  • nsceusa profile picture

    thanks Karlintheblocks and noom1412. IF you make any cool projects pose em up on youtube. Would love to take a look!

    Written February 10, 2017
  • oddhichplays profile picture

    does using this for an animation count as a commercial purpose

    Written August 02, 2017
  • Xion profile picture

    Well it depends, will you be making money from this animation,will it be entirely free?, assuming that your animation makes you no money, will you be posting the animation anywhere? youtube?

    As long as your not trying to sell your animation you will probably be fine.................

    Written August 02, 2017
  • nsceusa profile picture

    xion makes a good point. Typically a good question is if the work is going to be used for commercial purposes. However its not the only factor. Are you using it for advertising of a company despite there no money being exchanged? Does the work use elements of the original work? Is the work being altered in any way or add to it? Does it affect the original owner in any way?

    There is a fair use clause which allows copyright work to be used in certain instances but its still a grey area even today. Best thing to do is to knuckle down and read up on copyright law and fair use at

    However in general I would recommend using this for personal projects only. For example I was learning how to combine 3d elements with live action footage and thought it would be cool to see Mario running around. So I made the model to complete the project. I have posted it on youtube and my portfolio site but I made it very clear about how I have used the model and I don't use it anywhere else. I just wanted to make something cool and share it. If your working on a school project, or its something you just want to goof around with for fun you should be fine.

    Hope you have some fun animating!

    Written August 03, 2017
  • ilikeoofz profile picture

    i tried it but it lags alot!

    Written February 10, 2018
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hey there! If you are animating with the character, try using the puppet layer instead of the smoothed geometry. The puppet is the original mesh cut up and parented for specific bones. Its meant to be used for quick response when animating and to provide real time motion as much as possible. Once you have everything blocked out, turn off the puppet and turn on the smoothed skin layer and play it with a viewport render. Check out the youtube video I made. Should help a lot

    Written July 22, 2018
  • DonutCrafterr profile picture

    Luigi please

    Written February 27, 2018
  • nsceusa profile picture

    I'll leave that to another blendswap user :) It was fun to make but I don't think I have the energy to work on another Mario character

    Written July 22, 2018
  • kitty1122333444 profile picture

    Can i use it for a funny youtube vid ill give full credit thanks my channel is Meowsy Meows // MM with the pikachu

    Written May 04, 2018
  • nsceusa profile picture

    if you are confident the method you will use it falls under fair use then you are welcome to use it. Just make sure you research things ahead of time. Remember this is Nintendo's character. If you plan on monetizing the videos on youtube I would be a bit hesitant to use it in that regard. I admit I am not entirely sure where the line is drawn on this one so please be careful. I don't want your channel to be flagged! With that said, happy animating!

    Written July 22, 2018
  • Fer3189 profile picture

    Zip. Html?

    Written June 22, 2018
  • Fer3189 profile picture

    How do I open the file zip.html?

    Written June 22, 2018
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hi there. Are you still having a problem opening the file? What operating system are you using? You should be able to unzip or unpack the file. Let me know and I'll see if I can help

    Written July 22, 2018
  • blendermender124 profile picture

    im on windows 10 and I cant open the zip.html how do I open it?

    Written April 21, 2019
  • blendermender124 profile picture

    wait do I remove the .html part?

    Written April 21, 2019
  • nsceusa profile picture

    Hey all, just a quick heads up - I haven't been using blendswap for some time. If you have a question regarding the rig, model or the file, it probably best to reach out to me via youtube. Just go to the top of this page and go the "Using the Mario Rig" video embedded on this page. Start the video and then hit the youtube button on the bottom left of the video. It will take you to the actual youtube page. Leave a comment. I should get notified and respond within a few days.

    Written June 09, 2019
  • DJ_Fox11 profile picture

    Thanks! Great model! Do you have any other Nintendo character models?

    Written May 08, 2020
  • crashBashed profile picture

    Im Gonna Use It For One Of My Uploaded Marios From Different Games(Models Resource).

    Written May 09, 2020