Table Louis XIV

  • July 14, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: geoffreymarchal
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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Table Louis XIV, oak and ebony wood, marble tabletop, gilded wood. Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (Brussels, Belgium). Made with CapturingReality.

Louis XIV furniture was massive and lavishly covered with sculpture and ornament of gilded bronze in the earlier part of his personal reign (1660 - 1690). After about 1690, thanks in large part to the furniture designer Andre Charles Boulle, a more original and delicate style appeared. It was based on the use of marquetry, the inlay of piece of ebony and other rare woods. Furniture was inlaid with thin plaques of ebony, copper, mother of pearl, and exotic woods of different colors in elaborate designs.

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  • MikeeUSA2 profile picture

    Any particular reason that you assert separate copyright on this scan, and double down by declaring it Non Commercial?

    Edited August 12, 2018
  • MikeeUSA2 profile picture

    I wonder what part of this table has received additional artistic work such that it would merit a vesting of interests in you? If I scan a painting on a flat-bed scanner I cannot claim copyright the scan. Why do you claim these out-of-copyright works are now "non commercial"?

    Edited August 12, 2018
  • airfuchs1 profile picture

    Great Scan. Any chance to get the textures, too?

    Written October 28, 2019
  • geoffreymarchal profile picture

    The texture is in the file. Just create a new texture if needed.

    Written November 02, 2019