
  • July 22, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: InfameDavid
  • License: CC-BY
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...yeah, he is a cool guy

Mateo has a flexible and easy to use rig, designed to provide the best performance to the animators.


  • Ik/Fk limbs
  • Facial rigging based on bendy bones
  • Lattice deformation for all the parts of the body
  • Bendy bones in the limbs
  • Over two hundred controls to offer amazing appeal
  • Hair physic ready
  • Hi quality deformations
  • Multiresolution sculpt
  • Low polygon count
  • A Stereo Two bands radio / tape (auto stop)

Don't forget activate "auto run python scripts" in your blender user preferences before open this file

this model include this awesome cassette in case

and this Hdr from Hdri haven

you can find more of my characters in blender market


  • TheBobfather profile picture

    His hair looks similar to Jimi Hendrix's hair. Don't ya think?

    Written July 23, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    haha. yes! I not noticed that before I think if we do little changes he could be jimi hendrix!

    Written July 23, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Haha! All he needs to do is a play a guitar behind his head!!

    Written July 23, 2018
  • aksamagnet profile picture

    Wonderful ! Thanks

    Written July 23, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    thank you

    Written July 24, 2018
  • Mayanimations01 profile picture


    Written July 23, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Hey, David, I just want to say, great work! I just downloaded your blend. However I have a few questions... Well, Mateo's butt cheeks are stickin out of his shorts, which is ok, but would you know how to fix that? You know, just wanna cover Mateo's bare buns, he probably like that. And also, Mateo's gums seem to be detached from his lips, which is also ok because Mateo wont be screaming or doing any large facial expressions. Just some questions. Anyway, GREAT WORK!

    Edited July 23, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    TheBobfather, thank you, don't care about if the Mateo's butt cheeks are stickin out of his shorts, it will not be rendered, it have a mask to fix that, the mask is disable in the view port because it reduce the performance in animation, but you can enable selecting the root bone and changing the value of the "mask" property in the property panel (the mostly of the bones have properties to change the behavior or enable and disable features)

    Written July 24, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    thank you all!

    Written July 24, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Very helpful, buddy!! Your truly skilled! Thank u.

    Written July 24, 2018
  • Manmohan profile picture

    where can i find IK/FK switch

    Written July 25, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    Don't forget activate "auto run python scripts" in your blender user preferences before open this file and the IK-FK switch of the limbs can be found at the rig UI in the properties tab

    Edited July 25, 2018
  • Ted3d profile picture

    Wow great model, fine rig!! looks like the King of Pop in his better days Thanks a lot

    Edited July 26, 2018
  • merj profile picture

    Nice rig ! How can I speed up performance when animating and rendering ?my laptop is an AMD A10 with 8 gigs of ram. Also is it possible to use the blender render instead of cycles ? Thanks

    Written July 26, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    thaks! better performance than that is difficult, maybe hiding his clothes. that shader not work in the internal but it is not complicated to reproduces something "similar" using the internal engine.

    Written July 27, 2018
  • merj profile picture

    thanks !!

    Written July 27, 2018
  • Slimcruz profile picture

    I tried editing the cloths but is not working

    Written July 30, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    you should consider that when modifying the clothes you should also modify the cage of the meshdeform, but it is quite difficult to guess what problem you are having, try to describe it a bit better

    Written July 30, 2018
  • Slimcruz profile picture

    If I try to edit the cloths , it will separate from d rig, any edit I did on d body nor d cloth it will separate on d rig why?

    Written July 30, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    yes, if you edit adding or deleting vertices the mesh will lose the binding, to fix this , after edit, just go to the modifier stack and "re-binding" the mesh deform modifier, take care of keep the clothes inside of the meshdeform cage volume or edit the cage too.

    Written July 30, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Hey Infame David. I had a question. How do you do your natural hair?

    Written August 05, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    control the hair seems complicated in first instance, but a couple of tricks can help you:


    *when you are adding particles hairs maybe the best is not let blender do that, try to control where the hair will be grow by yourself, using options like one particle per face or even adding the hair manually.

    *comb the entire hair could be difficult, try to do that by parts, selecting specific particles or hidden another ones

    *vertex groups to control features of the hair is nice, but textures work much better

    *DONT USE TOO MUCH PARTICLES! start with a little number of particles to found the shape of the haircut, then add particles progressively, and when you add a particle reshape this before add the next one, do not let the work accumulate, a good way to add particles in the particle mode is "interpolate" it will make the work more easy, symmetry can help too. children is the best way to add volume to your hair and always using a kink options

    *read the manual, really, if you know what each option does, and knowing the features and limitations will be more easy find a good result (this is not to much is only the particle tab options for hair, texture particle tab and the particle edit mode)

    *looking for the best hair shader? here is :

    *practice and experimentation

    Written August 08, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Thank u inflameDavis! This is great! I will use your info when I put hair on characters

    Edited August 08, 2018
  • luisdanielpunx666 profile picture

    Just downloaded the blend but is not working

    Written September 28, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    if you give us a better description of the issue perhaps we could help you

    Written September 30, 2018
  • rombout profile picture

    Sweet model again David,

    is the the brother of Veronica??? They look a bit alike, but perhaps thats just the style.

    Downloaded it and see if can play with again and start rigging it

    Written October 21, 2018
  • rombout profile picture

    Nice it was already rigged, but nothing is happening. Seems stuck. I do have the auto-run enabled and also see the rig panel.

    Yet i do see some errors in the console

    EDIT Nevermind, somehow my shortcut input for G was turned off... hahaha im an idiot

    Edited October 21, 2018
  • rombout profile picture

    Am i correct to say that the shape cachete isnt doing anything? I havet yet figured out how you shape bones act on each other.

    PS where is the bone surf n hair, i believe this is driving the particle hair to show and hide right?

    My render engine needs particles visible other wise it wont export them.

    Written October 21, 2018
  • rombout profile picture

    Ow i think i find it, you have added custom props with all kinds of switches... man this i clever and advanced stuff. Nice something new to learn

    Written October 21, 2018
  • InfameDavid profile picture

    hello rombout! yes, some shapes are not implemented are there , perhaps the user wants implement, the hair vis and subsurf are a property in the root bone thanks so much, share with us your renders, they are awesome!

    Written October 24, 2018
  • rombout profile picture

    How are you switching that driver on rendertime with cycles btw. I cant seem to find how that is done?

    Written October 21, 2018
  • Akravator91 profile picture

    this is awesome!! I wish that more high quality model like this will show up in blendswap.!

    Keep up the good workl InfameDavid!! :D

    Written November 07, 2018
  • arhluka profile picture

    So dope. I'll surely dissect this model/rig and try to learn as much as possible from it. HUGE thanks for this gem of a blend!

    Written December 09, 2018
  • PalmerNoah profile picture

    So cute

    Written January 03, 2019
  • sholman profile picture

    why wont the hair render

    Written July 01, 2019
  • jaydecrunkz profile picture

    Great Rig!! How do you make the character's fingers curl though?

    Written June 02, 2020
  • Dzul profile picture

    hi david, i think the character eyebrow is broken, how do i fix it?

    Written March 26, 2025