This design was rendered with Cycles. Although I tried to keep a low poly objects, the blend got a little monster mostly due to images textures. These images were downloaded from and ared packed. Use the blend at your discretion. Regards, artists.
<img src="" alt="" width="1024" height="576" />
Yes, my friend. You are right. It's because my blindness as designer. The vehicle was an appended object and it's really a mess. No excuse. I uploaded a new blen, rearranging some objects and making things simpler. I'll be always learning from people who knows more than me using Blender. Thanks a lot.
This is a very good derelict scene. It's always difficult to mimic the detritus of real life and I think you've done a real nice job here. Keep on blending!
I indeed appreciate your comment, Peter. And I'll try to continue blending, as good as I can, following works like your remarkable works, for example. Thanks again.
don't know about in the current arrangement but some of those components could be useful for rebuilding a somewhat larger structure in which to place a vehicle, could make for some excellent background stuff.
It´s lowpoly but the two wheels have both 70k Verts. And you cant´t see them!