Hands (Textured + Simple Rig)

  • August 08, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: CerFriBar
  • License: CC-0
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2 Hands. I prepaired 7 Pose, so you can go to Camera View (Numpad 0) and you get the same render results as on the Preview Images (change the Position on the Timeline to see the prepaired Poses). With about 12.000 Poly it's quit large for a hand. I dont like the Topologie but they deform pretty good and also look alright. I textured the Hand with about 20 Shots of my Own Hand. I also Sculpted some minor Details and put them on the Normal Map. Have Fun with it


  • FayZee profile picture

    I can view all the poses at the various keyframes in camera view.

    But apart from that, my system has trouble with handling the model in 3D, probably a memory issue. Maybe I haven't configured my installation or system properly.

    Please could you tell me how to select the armature to change the poses?

    Edited August 08, 2013
  • CerFriBar profile picture

    By default only Layer 1 is active when you open the Blendfile. So if you want to bring up the Rig (Bones) you Shift select the Second Layer and you will see them. (For me the Layers are right above Timeline Keyframe 16). To Save some Performance you can switch to solid Viewport (double tab "Z-Key")

    Written August 08, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    Got it, thanks! Can't think why I didn't see the little orange dot on the Layer 2 icon. But my system had so much lag with this model: several seconds between command and execution, that I just wanted to exit. Thanks for the advice on going to Solid Display; it has made all the difference. Now I get instant response. Now I can see how well you have got the constraints and deformations working. This model is truly a gift :-)

    Written August 08, 2013
  • lightcity123 profile picture

    Fay i am have trouble when opening the zip blender file. Got any suggestions to get it working?

    Written November 18, 2014
  • FayZee profile picture

    @lightcity123, do you mean you are having trouble extracting the files from the zip, or is the trouble with opening the blend file?

    Written November 19, 2014
  • SumoJaksa profile picture

    Hey can u give me textrures cuz i need to export this from blender to use it in unity but if i do that no textures are being saved on fbx file :/

    Written December 16, 2014
  • Shakti profile picture

    Nice thanks I will play with these

    Written February 28, 2015
  • JollyBro profile picture

    Thank you! This is a great hand model. Works fantastic.

    Written October 04, 2015