This looks like its modelled on a kind of sand rail.
Could be fun to animate it along miles of beach and bouncing over dunes. Give it a tall pole with a flag and that's all you'd see while it was in the dips, then up it would come, probably with its two front wheels in the air!. I noticed you modelled the suspension devices as pairs. But the coils would have to be separated from the struts and animated as a spring if you wanted close-ups to create dramatic tension. Having it tip over at the end would make for a dramatic conclusion.
Yeah, I could have been a director in another life :-)
You're welcome! I decided to start modeling more then just weapons :O. I modeled this buggy using a military sand rail as a template. I'll fix the suspension and re-upload soon.
Fed up with guns? ;-)
This looks like its modelled on a kind of sand rail.
Could be fun to animate it along miles of beach and bouncing over dunes. Give it a tall pole with a flag and that's all you'd see while it was in the dips, then up it would come, probably with its two front wheels in the air!. I noticed you modelled the suspension devices as pairs. But the coils would have to be separated from the struts and animated as a spring if you wanted close-ups to create dramatic tension. Having it tip over at the end would make for a dramatic conclusion.
Yeah, I could have been a director in another life :-)
Thanks for sharing this.