This is a generic rig that i created focusing in the study of body mechanics and body language.
You can see how to work with that in these videos:
I hope you like that and feel free to improve or report changes to make it better.
Lets get animated!
The rig is really great and it's perfect for learning animation, but I have two comments:
If you select FK mode for legs or arms and then rotate around Z axis the main bone 180 degrees, the arms and legs bones don't rotate with main bone, and this can be a little strange.
The FK/IK property cannot be animated, so you cannot make a transition between FK/IK mode in an animation where you need both types.
Hy! Thanks for your advices! yes, i though that i had made the members follow the body when in FK, but i forgot... kkk. If you download "walker" rig, you´ll that there this works fine. If you choose FK for the arms and select the hand controller you´ll see a follow propertie assigned to that, but it dont works.... thanks again, and i expect to make this work soon!
The transition between IK/FK its a great challenge... it requires programation and i´m too far from that... kkk.
Yes, walker works perfect, if you rotate root, all the rig rotate.
Anyway, thanks again for these great rigs...they are perfect for animation tranining.
I'm sorry, I would like to help you but I'm only know how to develop addons in python, but not bone relations
Hi punkramenaz,
Thanks for this great Rig. I tried to begin animating with your Rig but discovered that FK/IK switch on Arms/Legs in properties-panel doesn't show up in Blender 2.70. There is no slider anymore. It works in 2.63.
I really like your Hector rig. Excellent work. Thanks for sharing.