Yarr, it be Plunderbuss Pete! A Blender version of a 3d printable pirate sculpture. This model of mine is now in the public domain, so feel free to remix, print, use in animations as a prop, etc.
Great design and a good model. Very well done. I would like to use this.
I can picture a scene in which a 3D human child is sitting at a table painting this pirate ornament, which would have a plaster of Paris texture. It would be one of those homemade model kits with a one-use-only rubber mould. The box and instructions would be in the scene as well, with newspaper protecting the table, a bag of gypsum powder and all the glorious mess of paints and pots. I remember making a model of a sitting dog.
So may I ask if the 3d printable pirate sculpture you used as a reference is in the public domain?
Please could you also provide a link to the 3d printable page?
Looks like it was published on Thingiverse by the same author under a creative commons public domain license: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:144775
The link that mraiser posted is the right one. This .blend file is simply me importing the .stl I made and giving it some basic lighting. Just to be clear, the .blend file and the .stl file are both public domain to use however you like.
Cheers, Ben.
Nice one. I made an turntable animation out of it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WURrCCoGMRk.
And also some different render you can find inside this album https://picasaweb.google.com/100681989362163532441/2013Render#
You need to make this available for sale on Shapeways. It'll sale for sure. I've got a friend that's a Pirate Nut and he'd eat this up!
Made this one as my first full print after making my 3D printer working. Looking great. Below pictures, sorry for bad quality, my camera suck http://imgur.com/a/XMH2I
Amazing Work!