Boeing 247 / 247A

  • September 03, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Helijah
  • License: CC-0
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Just before the DC 3 Douglas, Boeing had designed an airplane that revolutionized American aviation. It is also thanks to him that the DC-3 was commissioned by TWA Douglas. The Boeing 247 is a big forgotten of the history that has done more for aviation than its big brother in Douglas. But it is the DC 3 that remained in the memories.


  • Lomar profile picture

    Helijah: The 247 certainly deserves a place in the history books, but the DC-3 was the first to allow an airline to make a profit without subsidies, and, they made more than 10,000 during WW2. The 247 never had a chance!

    As always, I eagerly anticipate playing around with your latest Blend Swap release! (In two versions!)

    Thank you!

    Written September 03, 2013
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hello Lomar

    Yes the Dc 3 take the more big place in the history. But because there is a "but". The DC-1 was designed by taking the 247 as a model. All innovations of Douglas were present in 247. And of course, without the DC-1, the DC-3 would not have existed. So without the 247 the DC-3 would not have existed. It is time to restore the 247 its proper place in history. Although he did not have the expected success. Maybe (probably even) is happened too soon. The DC-3 has won all markets (with talent and quality I admit :)). But without the 247 this would come much later.

    Regards Emmanuel

    P.S. Obviously in my hangar the Douglas DC-3 is also present :)

    Written September 03, 2013
  • Lomar profile picture

    And of course, Boeing won in the end, they are still around and Douglas isn't! Gotta love all those oldies! (And I'm glad to have your 247 models! Thanks!)

    Written September 04, 2013