suphonation plant

  • September 23, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: shontoloyo
  • License: CC-0
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this is sulphonation plant ,once i workin on this field at 2007 and i think its gona be cool if make 3d model of it enjoy


  • FayZee profile picture

    Wow, amazingly well executed; I love it to bits!

    This is exactly how I would expect such a plant to look, even though I've never seen any except in James Bond type movies ... consequently I can vividly imagine a gun chase taking place in this scene ...with acid spills and plenty of barrels rolling about ;-)

    Thank you for offering it as CC Zero - I feel sure someone will be inspired to include it in an animation.

    Written September 24, 2013
  • shontoloyo profile picture

    thank for the comment, i"ll be glad if someone use it in their animation or whatever purphose

    Written September 24, 2013
  • GL profile picture

    I'm now learning Cycles render. I need some moderate complex objects. This one fits my need. Thank you sir.

    Written September 25, 2013
  • ad1412 profile picture

    Awesome work, thank you very much

    Written April 07, 2014
  • reidh profile picture

    What is Suphonation ?

    Written July 15, 2015
  • BellYau profile picture

    Awesome! Many thanks for your great work and the sharing!

    Written August 23, 2015
  • DenisGL profile picture

    Wow, the name of this is so obscure, it took me about half an hour to find the .blend back.

    Anyway, plugged into my scene - instant results. Thanks!

    Written July 20, 2017
  • MarleeVillarreal profile picture

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    Written December 11, 2023