Nixie Tube! 3.0

  • October 21, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: biozz
  • License: CC-0
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First off this was designed for luxrender so most of my texturing went in with that but i did the best i can to make it cycles compatible for you guys

EDIT: IT IS FULLY CYCLES READY AND TEXTURED sorry for the confusion ... if you want the luxrender (1.3DEV 10/6) .blend send me a PM

FIRST OFF you can select ANY number to be your active number .... you have to select the active curve, bring the curve width back down, change its material to "off" then select the number you want, change its material to "on" than make the line a fair thickness to simulate a neon glow

CYCLES does not support homogeneous volumetrics (or any volumetrics for that matter ...) so unlike luxrender you have to make the line thicker and to TRY and simulate the cloudy glow i used a half-cylinder and an emission/transparent material ... not the best but feel free to change it about!

OH and its hard to see but there IS a grid anode (er cathode ... not my era) with an included (packed) grid texture and its simply a transparent over matte with the texture as a mask ... its my texture so use as you wish!


  • black-light-studio profile picture

    Well I do love nixie tubes :D

    Edited October 23, 2013
  • biozz profile picture

    Heyyyy i know youuuu 8D

    Written October 23, 2013
  • black-light-studio profile picture

    I know you know me you know

    Written October 24, 2013
  • JDHaller profile picture

    Very Cool Blend... made me think of Nicola Tesla ... :) Thanks for sharing

    Written June 19, 2014
  • brinux profile picture

    Very cool tube! I like it!
    There seems to be a missing texture called "Grid T" which is referenced in the material, but is not in the .blend file. Not sure if it's supposed to be this way or if we need the texture. Either way, really cool!

    Written February 18, 2016