quad bot ground one

  • October 25, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: matray
  • License: CC-BY
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A re-use of the "Tears of Steel" quadbot for my "ground one" project. It's a first draft. Rendered with cycles.

I mainly hide som geometry from the original Quadbot (the eyes, some 'reactor' parts that are on the last layer where the 'trash' things are) The layers are managed the same way it was on the original file. But I totally redo the shaders and textures. Each of the 5 first layers have their own shaders and textures (rustpaint_L1 and Batchbake_L1 for Layer one, and so on...) so it's a bit messy but they did this to avoid merging the objects into one object driven by an armature. If they did that (what we usualy do by the way...) they won't be able to have some motion blur (armature deformed objects can't be rendered with cycles motion blur...) So I kept it that way.

There is some missing error texture message I can't get rid of but this isn't a problem for using or rendering the robot. I'll see if I can't remove it in the future...

Have fun !

(ps : you can see what I've done with it here : https://vimeo.com/76813235)


  • niggr profile picture

    WOW...Great work man!

    Written October 26, 2013
  • Manwe profile picture

    the textureing makes me hungry. It reminds me of snowtop cookies! http://alidaskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/DSC08407-11.jpg

    Written October 28, 2013
  • poifox profile picture

    This does not need to be marked as fan art, Tears of Steel's assets are open source.

    Written October 30, 2013
  • TowerCG profile picture

    Hey, if you want more downloads take out the gloss, it looks aluminum not steel :( Great work, very detailed! :P Also add black background under the world settings, and make your lights dimmer! :)

    Written January 11, 2014
  • lizabandarra profile picture

    this download does not work, it's broken

    Written January 20, 2014
  • cosmosousa profile picture

    fera muito bom

    Written February 08, 2014
  • zipper68 profile picture

    This looks pretty cool. I love what you did with the paint.

    Written February 11, 2014
  • Xenobe profile picture

    THE MODEL IS AWSOME!!, The test video I Can only feel without comment... Thank you!!.

    Written October 01, 2017
  • glemau profile picture

    How do I animate it? I can move the parts, but i can't seem to insert keyframes.

    Written August 03, 2018