
  • October 27, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Tryder
  • License: CC-0
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Humanoid rig built for use with Unity's Mecanim character animation system. Rig has full facial bones and five two bone fingers.


  • JackCity profile picture


    Edited October 31, 2013
  • dundaglan profile picture

    why only two bones for the hand and what way would you go about rigging it so?

    Edited November 15, 2013
  • firedrake150 profile picture

    Thats my thoughts. Most fingers have 3 joints, last time I counted, so the 2 bone rig looks like it would bend fingers where they ought not bend. right between 2 joints.

    Written November 18, 2013
  • Tryder profile picture

    The rig is meant to work on fairly low-poly characters. The finger joints are meant to bend at the first knuckle, I left the last knuckle out because my game characters will leave geometry out in that area to save on performance.

    Mind you in a game you want to run many frames per second and saving a little geometry on ten fingers adds up fast when you have tens or even hundreds of skinned meshes on the screen.

    Written November 19, 2013
  • Tryder profile picture

    Moreover the rig was designed to be modified. So for instance if you're doing a character for a cutscene then you'll probably want to animate the mouth and eyes, but if you're doing an in-game character you'll probably want to delete the facial bones if you're not going to use them.

    The number of bones for a skinned mesh affects performance, fewer bones means better performance.

    I actually have a newer version of this rig that improves the roll on a couple of bones for better rotation and also includes an eye rig. I haven't uploaded it because the eye rig will require a special script for it to work in Unity and I haven't written the script yet because I'm currently working on programming the UI framework for my current game project.

    Written November 19, 2013
  • dundaglan profile picture

    Ah atr i didn't know you responded.. happy days. So my thought was that you actually pulled it out of unity somehow. the reason I'm curious is i want to rig up character and use motion capture on them as well as prectical animations too and bring them into unity. the rigify rig is very complicated and I believe not great for mocap in anyways. So if i added extra bones in the fingers there wouldn't be a problem..also has anyone constrained this rig yet?

    Written December 18, 2013
  • Tryder profile picture

    No I did not pull this out of Unity, though I did reference the rig used in the Unity Mecanim tutorial when creating this rig. Not really sure how I would pull a rig out of Unity actually. Anyway I haven't added any constraints to this rig myself, Unity doesn't support any form of constraints to the best of my knowledge so if you were going to use this rig in Unity adding constraints would be fruitless.

    At the same time I'm thinking it's probably possible to program your own constraints in Unity, not something I've attempted yet, but the thought has crossed my mind.

    P.S. I'm not 100% familiar with Mecanim yet so I could be wrong about it not supporting bone constraints, so far I've only ever used Unity's legacy animation system in an actual game and I know that does not support bone constraints. Unity's PhysX implementation does support constraints, however; but that would only be useful for ragdoll physics and doesn't work with any constraints created with Blender to the best of my knowledge.

    Written December 18, 2013
  • dundaglan profile picture

    ah no i just meant to animate in blender and bring into unity as an fbx file. no worries..found an old rig.. gonna put it up and see if anyone can 'tweak it'

    Written December 19, 2013
  • ElectricFountainStudios profile picture

    Wouldnt if just be easier to load up the rigify tool, and add it in like you would any other primative shape. That is how I get my Unity Mec anims, it imports perfectly fine.

    Written January 08, 2014
  • swc220 profile picture

    I could be wrong, but when I tried to use this , the fingers on the mesh were distored, later on in unity 3d. The left middle finger point seems to be out of place. Was this on purpose?

    Written July 21, 2014
  • Tryder profile picture

    You'll probably want to edit the rig so that it fits whatever meshes you're using. Just import your mesh into Blender along with the rig and modify bone size and rotation so that it matches your mesh. Not all meshes are built with the same proportions or in the same pose.

    Written August 11, 2014
  • kavabanga profile picture

    Dude, you saved my life with this little boned fellow! Thanks a lot, I own you :)

    Written January 14, 2016