Ceramic Cup for Tea

  • November 29, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: theboredgeek
  • License: CC-0
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Hello everyone! I know I am new to Blendswap, however I have been a bit under the weather for a little while and even though it is "simple and clean" I thought I would make a 3d model based off of the style of "cup" or "mug" I use for drinking tea.

As seen in the picture, it is just the cup itself, no water inside it. And with this being my first upload I hope the quality is able to stand next to the others here on Blendswap! :)

Everything used in the scene to render the final product is as follows:

Blender version: 2.69.0

Render engine: Cycles

I also changed the Color Management from "Default" to "Film" to help with the atmosphere.

Number of Samples: 600 (To remove any graininess that is not part of the materials)

Total number of Verticies: 473,096

Models/Objects used:

  • Cup (Made from the Circle mesh)

  • Plane mesh for the floor

  • Plane mesh used as the Emission light source.

The materials for both the Cup and the Floor, are customizable for your needs via the Node Editor :) (They are also properly labeled under the Materials tab)


  • Kless profile picture

    very good I would sugest making the cup just a little glossy but thats it.

    Written November 29, 2013