Creepy girl

  • December 01, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: xGhostArtx7
  • License: CC-0
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Creepy girl, rigged and textured.

Creepy version of my previous model (Little girl).

My Response to gogo199432's request of Creepy girl.

Its not perfect, but hope it helps


  • GLGraffixx profile picture

    This is a child! Why you post something horrible? Sorry. But children may not be used for this..........

    Edited December 02, 2013
  • ronsketchfab profile picture

    we've gotta get this zombie up on Sketchfab! I want to see the model interactively ;)

    Its a web platform for publishing your 3D models interactively, anywhere online - like Youtube, but for 3D models.

    And we're partnered with the guys here at Blendswap, so you can embed the Sketchfab viewer right here next to your photos!

    Edited December 03, 2013
  • formfollowsfunction profile picture

    888 likes on Facebook? Why not 666? XD

    Written December 12, 2013
  • dnc profile picture

    Man, I love this model. So creepy. Excellent rig too.

    Edited December 12, 2013
  • HeroCraft profile picture

    Hey! Could you make a little girl with every inch of her body covered by clothes? Kind of like this: An hat on her head, Sunglasses , A scarf covering the bottom half of her face, A long sleeve shirt, gloves, And blue jeans with boots. Please help me, I need it for an fnaf animation and I suck at rigging XP

    Written August 01, 2015
  • ProgramerOfGames2 profile picture

    Lo estoy usando en un juego pero se la van las texturas.

    no me gusto mucho

    Written March 02, 2019