Honda Civic exi 1996 Fan Art

  • December 03, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: OscarLeif
  • License: CC-BY
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This will be the second version of this car, I made the other civic also.

This have better geometry, the scene is more diferent, It have better interiors of course generic, Using Cycles, this time a morelight file.


  • ronsketchfab profile picture

    nice work dude! would love to see you publish your work on Sketchfab, so you can display it interactively :). we're even partnered with the guys here at Blendswap, so you can embed the viewer right here, and show the civic itself in addition to screenshots!

    and we have an exporter for Blender - available here ( connects you directly to your account!

    Written December 03, 2013
  • OscarLeif profile picture

    Actually it have a sketch fab preview, can you see it ? Just tell me, if any problem exist. I already use sketchfab is awesome, too bad Cycles can't bake textures, because I miss the shadows, I will do that later.

    Written December 03, 2013
  • Rataz profile picture

    The sketchfab is to the bottom of the picture when you mouseover the picture

    Written December 03, 2013
  • Rataz profile picture

    If only it were a sort of blue-green like mine :D (and the seats seem a bit tall.).

    Written December 03, 2013
  • Kless profile picture

    How did you get that glare on the car I've been trying to figure out how to do that.

    Written December 06, 2013
  • OscarLeif profile picture

    Hi @DonCliche It's not difficult to do that. The first thing you need is to have a Shinny reflection, well have specular reflection, then you go to the compositor and use the "Glare" node, just play with the settings, I think you should play with the factor value of that node. if you have any doubts please let me know.

    Written December 08, 2013
  • Kless profile picture

    ok thanks I will give it a try and let you know.

    Written December 08, 2013
  • MarskCats profile picture


    Written April 04, 2016
  • ArmandoLopez profile picture

    Hi!! Great model I was wondering if I could use it for my VR Team Project I have?

    Written March 28, 2019