Here's a little animated calendar I did for a video project that never happened.
Couple things, the orientation of the model is screwed up, had to do this to get the bend in the pages correct. Couldn't figure out how to apply multiple textures to an array. So each calender page has the same month on it. Would love to know if there is a way without applying modifiers. I've also included the calender.psd, so you can change it to your liking. Sorry I don't use Gimp.
This is a wonderful blend.
I attempted to solve the "each calender page has the same month on it. Would love to know if there is a way without applying modifiers" issue. Unfortunately unsuccessfully.
My idea was to apply the array modifier and separate the twelve sheets so as to individually apply the month textures, but something went wrong.
Here's what I tried:
To fix problem that all calendar sheets are the same:
Apply array modifier to Plane.001
Turn off visibility for everything except Plane.001
Set view to Ortho and arrange plane.001 so it is square on to the view
Tab to Edit Mode
Activate "Limit selection to visibleā
Repeat next steps in a loop:
Turn visibility back on for everything
Play animation and realise that sheets 2 to 12 share the identical space
So there are only two sheets in the animation
Oh well!
I look forward to the solution.