
  • December 19, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: rianvermeulen
  • License: CC-0
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Hi Everyone, This blend came about after seeing [Oliver Villars tut on displacement-sculpting]: [and then] /watch?v=VY9vHdwUo98&list=TLkqa4_5NHJUdtAyGtbaJeeJUp7wzsbmrr%20 and Michalis threat on about same....

I thought "Whááw" and made me one of those spacestations. Then what....

Then to practice this technique, I needed a simple model of just tubes and boxes, and do the actual modeling with displacementmaps right? Right. A childrensbicycle would do just fine. So...

So I realised there's no point in counting vertices when you're using 6 or 7 subsurfs anyway and kept modeling until only the tyres were left for a displacementmap.

Well..... I dó like those tyres..... :) :)


  • wax profile picture

    I followed that thread also on blenderartist. And you made a very good use of it.

    Edited December 19, 2013
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Well thank you. I feel I kind of cheated there though: I made a special displacementmap for the tires. The whole idea was to use a huge but not special made map, and do all the final modeling in the UV-editor. You know: scaling and shifting until it looks right. I did use "follow active Quads"for the unrap, but just to get square UV's. An ordinary unrap bends away at the ends, you don't want that when you're useing a tileable texture.

    Written December 19, 2013
  • Kless profile picture

    very awesome scene great job.

    Edited December 20, 2013
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Thank you. You know, backgrounds are ideal for trying out new stuff since they can be about almost anything, but I always feel a bit lost first time without the tutorial. Glad you like it.

    Written December 21, 2013
  • plaintextures profile picture


    Written December 22, 2013
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Thanks, and sorry guys: no textures. :)

    Written December 22, 2013
  • TowerCG profile picture

    Awesome, surprised it isn't in staff pics! :)

    Edited January 09, 2014
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Well, thank you for you're enthousiasm, but let's not think about staff picks just yet?: It's only my first upload. :)

    Written January 11, 2014
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    How sad, they removed Clara's picture.

    After all she did for Blendswap, she even was rated +1. :)

    Edited January 18, 2014
  • blendr profile picture

    Looks unique and nice

    Edited March 04, 2014
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Thank you...

    Written March 09, 2014
  • riseofsurf profile picture

    how did u make that wide angled/fisheye effect??????????

    Edited March 25, 2014
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    :D I used a fisheyelens. :D

    So now you want to know where to find the thing right?

    In Cycles, (BI doesn't have it) select your camera in the properties-panel. Under "lens" it says "perspective", "orthogonal" and "panorama". Choose panorama, and now you get 3 presets: "Fisheye equisolid" etc... plus settings for focal-lenght and field-of-view. You have to be in rendermode in the viewport to see what you're doing.

    Good luck... :)

    Written March 25, 2014
  • blendr profile picture

    Although rianvermeulen should be the person to answer you but since I know about it,let me tell you. In the camera object data panel, change its lens to Panoramic,and the type to Fisheye Equisolid.

    There would then also be several settings for different variations of the fisheye effect.

    Written March 25, 2014