Mario Star Spirit: Misstar Fan Art

  • December 28, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: NBlaze
  • License: CC-BY
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Again I'll ask: How bad did I do?


  • FayZee profile picture

    The star is cute but the yellow object could do with being smoothed.

    Is the yellow object supposed to represent a ribbon or a feather boa?

    Written December 28, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    That is the ribbon Misstar always wears. Like Muskular always wears a Sailor's Hat. I extruded it several times to try to rounden the curves like they were showed And clicked the "Smooth" button next to "Flat" and used mirror modifier so it would be the same on both sides.

    My next project:

    Written December 28, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    If it is a ribbon, shouldn't it be flatter rather than a tube?

    The 3D illustration on is a bit ambiguous.

    Another way of modelling the ribbon could be to add a curve, get it to the right shape and then add a circle deformed to the correct profile, then loft the profile along the curve, or extrude the profile along the path.

    Written December 28, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    Did not think to flatten it.

    Written December 28, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    I'll re-upload another Misstar blend. I had some changes on her to make anyway.

    Written December 28, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    How's that FayZee? :)

    Written December 28, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    It is beginning to look better with the flattened mesh.

    But I have seen your other models on here and I am convinced you can do better :-)

    The ribbon should have smooth edges.

    It would probably be quite hard to smooth the current mesh, so how about trying to loft a profile along a path?

    You could add a curve and manipulate its nodes using the dead centre of the current ribbon mesh as a guide. This is the path. You can still use mirroring. Then create your profile, which would be a much flattened ellipse with rounded extremities, or even a thin rectangle with rounded edges. Then use the loft tool to loft it along the curve. You can convert it to mesh if you want. You might still have to use smoothing. If you don't convert it to mesh then you will be able to easily alter its curves for different scenes. You can delete the old tubular mesh. Look up curve and loft for a better explanation.

    I will wait to download it.

    Written December 29, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    You know so much about blender...... yet you have no blends.

    Written December 30, 2013
  • NBlaze profile picture

    "smooth the edges" you mean the outline of the ribbon?

    Written December 30, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    @NBlaze: You are right. I haven't uploaded any blends yet because I have nothing that is both complete and to the high standard that Blend Swap expects. I only need to create the part of the model that is visible to a viewer, and I leave it untextured. Then I draw the scene by hand using pastels.

    I don't publish my drawings, it's a hobby. I'm really a developer of technical intranet applications, with 15 years experience.

    But I have used blender since 2004/5. I can appreciate a good blend and learned some techniques: in particular, lofting. This can be used to make decorative edging and corners.

    P.S. Yes, by "smooth the edges" I mean the outline of the ribbon. When I wrote "edges", I was thinking in terms of my 2D pastel drawings :-)

    Edited January 07, 2014
  • NBlaze profile picture

    oh. okay then

    Written January 08, 2014
  • enoladavis profile picture

    It looks so great like territorial io. Great work, bro!!

    Written August 18, 2023