Public Telephone Fan Art

  • January 05, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: josepetri
  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
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This is a common public telephone here in Brazil, called "Orelhao" - Phonebooth.

Today this model, named TELESP, it was an old phone company here in Brazil, today this company no longer exists, but the model is exactly the same.

Across Brazil you will find this equipment with the name of several companies over time.

Any questions or suggestions are free to comment.

Portuguese ------------------

Este é um elefone publico comum aqui no Brasil, chamado de Orelhão.

Vejo ainda hoje este modelo, com o nome TELESP que era uma antiga empresa de telefonia aqui do Brasil, hoje não existe mais esta empresa, mas o modelo é exatamente o mesmo.

Por todo o Brasil você encontrará este equipamento, com o nome de diversas companias de comunicação, mas aparentemente o design agradou o pessoal por aqui.

Qualquer duvida ou sugestão fiquem livres para comentar.


  • OscarLeif profile picture

    Wow I forgot this public telephones, nice work

    Written January 05, 2014
  • FabianGonzz profile picture

    Connecting a SIP tracking service allows companies to use the internet to make and receive phone calls instead of traditional phone lines. This is a great idea for companies that are growing and frequently use international calls. Our company found a SIP Trunking Service from a leading company in the market and we ordered the service. We were very pleased that the staff of the company supported us in every possible way and helped us with the implementation of this solution. We are very happy that we applied here, because the company is really professional.

    Written July 18, 2024