Scale model of a Bic pen.
If anyone can help with the transparent material pen I'd appreciate it, did not think it was very realistic.
Anyway, I hope that the model will be useful for someone.
Modelo em escala de uma caneta Bic.
Se alguém puder ajudar com o material transparente de caneta eu agradeceria, não achei que ficou muito realista.
De qualquer forma, espero que o modelo possa ser util para alguém.
Hi again, did some checking 'cause I couldn't believe these things were still around? But they are, just as I remember about the green, and there's a black one.
Take this as a reference:
Hasn't changed a bit in over 40 jears. :)
Yes, they are still in use =] Bic pens are still sold here in Brazil, I use them every day lol. Thanks for the tip, I'll include a black pen as shown in the picture you sent.
Hola, you're stirring up memories:
That's the stuff I used to chew on every day in first grade highschool.
Except in my memory the green always looked like they tryed real hard, but just couldn't get it right. And there used to be four?