KitchenAid Pro Line Toaster Fan Art Staff Pick

  • January 07, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: SonnySee
  • License: CC-BY
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I started this blend in response to the first weekend challenge here at blendswap:

It is my version of a KitchenAid Pro Line series 2 slice toaster. I chose this item because it looked like it would be a quick and easy modeling process, but it turned in to an overly complicated one because I decided to model the logo rather than use a bump map. That being the case, I didn't submit it in before the close of the challenge. Regardless, I wanted to share it with anyone that might be interested.

I created some basic materials myself but most of the materials are by elbrujodelatribu:

I hope you find some use for it.


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