Merida Fan Art

  • January 11, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: JoseVargas
  • License: CC-BY
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a of my favorites characters from pixar


  • JoseVargas profile picture

    more pics taken in the process

    Edited January 11, 2014
  • daren profile picture

    amazing! I don't normally like -- but this one deserves a thumbs up and applause!

    Written January 12, 2014
  • Riste Sekuloski profile picture
    Riste Sekuloski

    If someone would rig this beauty....

    Written January 12, 2014
  • Italic_ profile picture

    I'm trying to come up with a rig for hair, if hair can be controlled by a path or bezier. I have a spring sim basically worked out, but we'll see if I can use it in conjunction with hair particles.

    Written January 12, 2014
  • Moolah profile picture

    That looks GREAT!!!

    Written January 12, 2014
  • Roninja profile picture

    O_O My very favorite character! I've watched the movie thrice now, just TRYING to crack the mechanics of the amazing hair Pixar created. I haven't succeeded until now, but your idea is good there ^ Spring and hair particles.. =D I can't wait to see it!

    Written January 13, 2014
  • PeeDee76 profile picture

    Awesome thanks

    Written January 13, 2014
  • Riste Sekuloski profile picture
    Riste Sekuloski

    Jose, I've looked at the blend and I really love the topology and simplicity. I can't wait to see some animations made with Merida.

    Also, I've looked at your portfolio and I am amazed by the parrot character. Great work!

    Written January 14, 2014
  • JoseVargas profile picture

    thanks for the feedback, i would like rigging these character but i dont like the form to make hair collision in blender

    Written January 15, 2014
  • GEHco profile picture

    Thanks for sharing. Amazing piece of "Fan-Art" .

    Written February 14, 2014