Car Paint with 2 HDRs and 3D Transparency

  • January 14, 2014
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: jamescandy
  • License: CC-0
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Here is the car paint shader I've used in my latest video! Also included are two HDRI probes used in the film.

On layer 1 you will find the car paint applied to a sphere. On layer 2, you will find the same material applied to Suzanne, but with an extra touch: also applied to Suzanne is a graduated transparency effect using nodes. These and the car paint nodes combine to create a sort of "3D mask". Just scrub through the timeline and render to see how this effect is created, or watch it in the video below!

Special thanks to Thornton Strolia for his guidance on the car paint material!


  • BlenderBoy55 profile picture

    Can this be used in video games? I got a game ready motorcycle that needs a nice material paint job. From what i remember, these materials will not work in game engines but I'm not entirely sure of that. There's a lot of these high quality cycles render materials uploaded to Blend swap but I don't think any are game compatible. So on behalf of all the game developers here, and too all of you guys who are highly skilled at making materials as good as this piece right here, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... Make some for the game engine. For all of you game Developers, if you agree please leave a comment or thumbs up which ever is easiest for u. We need to motivate these guys to get to work.

    If there are game ready materials already uploaded to blend swap, sorry, i think i missed it. Please be so kind to leave me a link to help others who missed it.

    Written January 15, 2014
  • jamescandy profile picture

    Of course, I've posted my message without hitting reply to your comment... again! See below for my reply.

    Written January 16, 2014
  • jamescandy profile picture

    You're right, BlenderBoy55, there should also be good shader materials for the game engine as well! Unfortunately, I have just about zero experience with the BGE, but maybe this will help you:

    That is the video I followed when setting up my material. Obviously, the actual node layout used won't be useful to you, but perhaps hearing about the methodology from Thornton as he describes the ideas behind using his setup will guide you in creating one for your game assets. I hope this may help you!

    Written January 16, 2014