Low Poly Mountain Scene

  • January 14, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: slyfox
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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I created this low poly mountain scene with a bit of DOF (depth of field) for the background


  • ducttapeman0 profile picture

    Awesome! but would be better if your focus point was something more prominent, like a car on the road or the mountains themselves.

    Written January 17, 2014
  • slyfox profile picture

    I'll make sure to keep that in mind for my next project. Thanks for letting me know.

    Edited January 17, 2014
  • buzo profile picture

    Hi, slyfox. Your work is very interesting. What I wouldn't add to this kind of work is the DOF effect. It doesn't really need that. The other thing is the lack of a good illumination. I wouldn't add AO to revive the colors and the enviroment in general. Try this and you'll see.

    By the way: there is a good tutorial in CGTuts about this kind of low poly models: http://cgi.tutsplus.com/tutorials/secrets-to-creating-low-poly-illustrations-in-blender--cg-31770

    Written January 18, 2014
  • FritsLyn profile picture

    Hey, I like it, it's cute!

    So, I was inspired by you, and wanted to try on my own: I make a grid like yours, and try and pull up some mountains.. But I cannot seam to find the right way to pull them up.

    Your Vertices are pulled straight up? Of course I could do one by one, but it looks like you used some form of brush?

    Thanks :)

    Written March 18, 2014
  • FritsLyn profile picture

    Oh! Got it: Options -> Lock X & Y while doing any sculpting :)

    Written March 18, 2014