Dewalt Tools Fan Art

  • January 19, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: blenderjunky
  • License: CC-0
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This Blend is for the Weekend Challenge. I did things creating this that I didn't think I was capable of doing. This weekend challenge thing is a great idea, it pushes artists to create things outside of their comfort zone and to think beyond their wheelhouse. I would never normally create tools in a 3D environment, just not normally an interest for me but I wanted to see if I could do it. I should also mention that there are no images used in the this blend. Everything that you see rendered is actually modelled in the viewport, text and all. It is render ready. I have parented all the drill components together so that everything moves when the drill in the outliner panel is selected. I have also child-ed (is that a word) the socket driver and the text on the hammer to move with their perspective parent. All the colors are named and labeled as are all of the individual components of each tool. I kinda went hog wild on this. I did this over the course of two days, approximately 9 hours. Incidentally there is no need for credit on this blender I again forgot to change that when uploading it. Really have to get used to doing that.


  • buzo profile picture

    Great accomplishment, blendernoob. You are no longer a noob!

    Written January 19, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    Oh my! This is amazing! :D

    Written January 19, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thank you for the great compliment. I am trying to improve my skills quickly so I've been a blender junky for the past couple of weeks. I have decided to do a model of one of the ships from Stargate Atlantis, the Deadalus. I'm going to take some time doing it as the actual design is incredibly detailed. Once it's done I'm going to post it. I figure that will sharpen my skills...or drive me completely

    Edited January 21, 2014
  • plaintextures profile picture

    nice work

    Written January 19, 2014
  • mofx profile picture

    Very nice work, was this sculpted? There are a few things I could nitpick but it's a great model.

    Written January 19, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Yes, I did sculpt this and please, nitpick. My goal is to improve and if you have any suggestions as to how I can make this better please tell me.

    Edited January 19, 2014
  • mofx profile picture

    I've added the fan-art tag. So copyright is taken care of as much as we can. @blenderjunky Model could use just a smooth click. Looks like some things weren't set to smooth. Also if you take a look down what would of been the center of your model. You should be able to see some breaks in the model. This might be because of the order modifiers where applied or that clipping wasn't on. You can see this around the battery and handle the most. Looks like some of your normals where flipped on the back of the drill.

    On some of you circular pieces mainly the you use a ngon for the cap of the cylinder you can see this by the chuck and on the direction button by the trigger. Ngon's can cause a type of pinching when a subdivider/smooth operation is done. It's best to scale down the edge loops to zero when doing this. I usually will scale once to .8 then to .4 then to 0 and remove doubles. There's lots of little clean up like this that can be done when you sculpt a hard surface model like the hidden part of the chuck selector or the bottom of the battery. Lots of useless verts that are not needed. Regardless of all of that it's a very nice model. Thanks again.

    Written January 19, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thank you for the info. It is those little things that I have not yet had the chance to learn using blender. I would never have known of those things had you not mentioned it to me. I appreciate the feedback. Also thanks for adding the fan art tag. After the discussions here with the other blend swappers I read the fan art info on the site. I was going to change it and discovered that you had already done so, so thank you for that.

    Edited January 19, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    Yes wonderful, but isn't DeWalt copywritten?

    Written January 19, 2014
  • etoven profile picture

    Not sure but I think creating a model of a real life object might qualify as fair use. If you couldn't sculpt real things we might all be in allot of trouble.. :) Having said that, using the official logo might raise some trademark issues.

    Edited January 19, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    The name still needs trademark :|

    Written January 21, 2014
  • etoven profile picture

    Amazing amount of detail in your sculpt! Great work!

    Written January 19, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thanks for all the compliments. I appreciate them. I was thinking as I was doing the image that there may be some trademark issues but then I thought to myself that many artists here have used what are copy written images like Coca Cola and Motorola etc on this site before. I think that such issues would only have weight if I were to profit financially from the use of the trademarked image. Besides it's technically not the real logo, nor the same lettering and the colour although close to the yellow used by DeWALT is not the same yellow so not really sure if this qualifies. I'm splitting hairs Regardless thank you for the compliments. A lot of this was made possible by the tips that I have received from many of the great people here on blender swap. I guess I can't really call myself a noobie any more.

    Edited January 19, 2014
  • FayZee profile picture

    Wow, this is a great model, both in looks and usefulness.

    Written January 19, 2014
  • muhtesemozcinar profile picture

    details talk well done!

    Written January 20, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thanks a lot. I appreciate that.

    Edited January 21, 2014
  • Sebik profile picture

    wow :O so really :O

    Edited June 17, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    You know, I just built a house (over the coarse of 2 years) with my Mom and Dad, so I've used these tools many o' times, and I only spotted 3 flaws! Technically the one is only something that you're design differs from mine on.....

    1. (Not really a flaw) There should be a grip on the drill bit "nozzle" I guess you'd call it..... (in my house we'd of called it a "which a ma' call it")

    2. Examine your drill bit a bit better, the tip is wrong....

    3. The pry bar on your hammer is wrong... Needs to be brought together more, and shaped a little bit better ;)

    PS: I'm not putting you down, as this is GREAT work, and completely deserved Staff Picks!!! I'm just trying to get you to update it ;)

    Written June 18, 2014
  • Master__Faziel profile picture

    I was doing a retopo from your model "great model by the way" and I noticed that "holes" you make by inverted the normals, very great trick, by that made my wonder how do you set it up in such a precise angle, very nice little trick, I will incorporated in my workflow for sure. Thanks for sharing your work man!

    Written January 09, 2019
  • 2013jor profile picture

    It´s Great!!!! Thank you very much!

    Written March 11, 2019
  • PalmerNoah profile picture

    So lovely and very realistic

    Written January 20, 2021
  • Omoesiri profile picture

    super realistic

    Written August 13, 2021