Ive always wanted to make mountains that look like they were from The Lord of The Rings or The Hobbit.
Hope everyone likes this.
yes it is thank you for the response it helped with the file size a ton :)
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! BEST MOUNTAINS I'VE EVER SEEN (except for in real life... actually these might almost be better) THIS IS AMAAAZING!!! SPLENDED!!! Hey poifox and mofx, please add this to staff pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Wow!!! :D
so that's the mist you were telling me about Don :D The final render looks epic, I'll tell you that
ay, no problem at all mate! :) Anytime :)
and hooray! you made it to Staff Picks! :D
Wow this is absolutely incredible! And as JosephBennett said ADD THIS TO STAFF PICKS!
ya I wanted to do a timelapse but I thought about doing it halfway through making it, so I couldn't :) I wouldn't really know how to do a tutorial, but you have put it into my mind so I'm going to keep it in mind next time I make something. Heres the tutorial I looked at on how to do the mist its really easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ewq9ilkzF0
Astounding. This is a masterpiece. You actually put a little itty-bitty boat in the water....this is outstanding.
Thanks, it sucks that you can't see it in the preview image since its only 1024 x 1024 :)
Well if you look really really closely you can see the dot in the water. There's the boat...lol Great work.
Oh my gosh this is amazing I can't believe you made this. You have some talent and when I first saw this blend it did remind me of the lord of the rings or the hobbit.
I'm still working on the lag since I have a small computer but you did a great job!
Cool I would love to see how it looks in what ever your doing if its something you're uploading on here I'll keep an eye out for it. Glad you like it. :)
This is literally the most amazing blender file I have ever seen in my life! I would like to offer you a fun job you could help me with. If you would make a few mountains for me, and some simple landscape for my game, I would give you credit and it would be so awesome!
Oh, wow, this scene looks great. Everything seems quite excellent, except the mountain range in the background could use some more definition, maybe some more unqiue objects here and there to make it feel more unique (shapewise) and then it will be perfect, but thanks for the upload. This file is mega sweet. Definitely like the sky, too. Perfect.
I think I will use this as my scene for my "A Higher Call" animation. Good work my man!
I've got some issue when I donwload it. It's a .zip.html file so I couldn't use it... :/
Awesome work