Domino with random numbers

  • March 16, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: b82160
  • License: CC-0
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A simple domino, everytime you duplicate it, it has a random number layout.

Layer 1 - The Render you see on Blendswap Layer 2 - The Domino

To use the model, simply append 'Domino' (from objects) into your scene.
Each time you duplicate it (SHIFT + D), it will have a random set of numbers. This will also work with an array modifier, simply apply, then in edit mode split into loose parts. It may be helpful to fill out a scene, ie not an empty table etc, or for an animation.

Hope someone can find it useful. Use, abuse, and enjoy, no need to give credit!


  • ThePefDispenser profile picture

    Call me a child, but I am fascinated by dominoes falling. That said, creating a random domino texture for each object is what caught my eye. Took me a while to see how you did it (I won't spoil the surprise by explaining it here), and I am now thinking how I might apply the technique elsewhere. Thanks.

    Written April 03, 2017
  • b82160 profile picture

    Thanks! Please use the method on whatever, no credit etc. is needed. Love to see what you come up with!

    Written April 08, 2017
  • mafon2 profile picture

    I think it's great for creating crazy domino patterns and little animations. And randomness of spawn is awesome.

    Written April 07, 2017
  • b82160 profile picture

    Great for little animations, took a while to get the randomness working, but its does. Not even sure I remember how I did it!

    Written April 08, 2017
  • trecesietes profile picture

    This is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

    Written January 24, 2019