So...this blend is huge. It's not only textue rich but detail rich as well. I wanted to challenge myself and after blowing my brains out a couple of I managed this. It's not complete, the underbelly is not detailed. I have removed all the textures from this blend as they were from CGtextures. I tried to make it smaller, got rid of useless faces and such but still came out pretty big. Like I said it's incomplete but to add more would have increased the file size and I didn't want to do that. There are a thousand more details that I wanted to put on it. Online there is a lot of source material for this ship, in fact there are some incredible designs that exceed the original from the television programs. This is basic compared to those. I tried to model from images from the show which were not easily found as most of the images that are on line are of fan art versions of the Daedalus. At any rate hope you like it. It's rendered in cycles and all textures packed into the blend file (I think) I hope that I did that right. If not let me know.
Ya, I figured that the sampling was a bit high but I found that the details really stand out. Does clamping and denoiser help with that? Incidentally you mentioned clipping before. I changed a setting in the systems panel of the user preferences but not sure if that is what you meant.
Thanks. That happened quickly but I have to say that the first download was Wanted to be sure that the textures would download with the model.
Nice model, not sure 2000 samples is necessary though, think you could get away with much less and maybe a little clamp or a node denoiser setup.