
  • January 30, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: blenderjunky
  • License: CC-0
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I'm actually going to be doing this bathroom in real life. It's rendered in cycles. I would suggest turning down the sampling. I turned it up to give a clear picture to show on the site. Every piece is labeled. There is no peripheral detailing like a faucet for the shower but I think it's a nice bathroom. Can't wait to see it finished in real (Note; I repacked the file to include the textures and updated the lighting. Something just wasn't right about it so I wanted to update it. I added a new sink but the original is still in the blend just moved over.


  • muhtesemozcinar profile picture

    It looks very nice,btw in real life use more light please :)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    I'd argue that's exactly how it looks in real life, but the brain compensates the contrast. :)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Lighting has been a bit of an issue for me of late. I am learning new methods of light generation but haven't found one that seems to speak to me. Thanks for both the compliment and suggestion.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    That's an interesting perception poifox, the brain compensates for the contrast. I imagine that it is a left, right brain thing or a left eye, right eye...Depth and perception thing.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • muhtesemozcinar profile picture

    I wish I knew much about lights so I could of helping you about lighting but Im sure you will get right solutions:)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • muhtesemozcinar profile picture

    I agree poifox about real life looking but it'd be great to see some sunny day effects in room at least in virtual life :)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    Setting up a sun lamp to let some light through the window could improve the render quite a bit indeed, make it very slightly yellowish, so it's a convincing Sun ;)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    also, please pack the blend and re-upload it, I just noticed it's missing textures.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    You know, I was going to prepare a render about what I adviced, but there's something weird going on with the glass shader for the window, it doesn't let sun light through, I'm not that experienced with Cycles, so idk where is the problem, but thought you might wanna know, in case you're encountering the same issue, so you don't think it's happening to you only.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    I'm working on it right now actually. I thought that there was something wonky about the light after this thread. So I'm experimenting. Ya, forgot to pack it. I'll do that once I've made some changes. I'm adding a different sink but the original is still in the blend just moved to the side a bit. Should I upload it as a new blend or just replace existing.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • Kless profile picture

    If you want light to go through glass you have to put a transparent shader on it but i've had a hard time with making glass transparent since sometimes it distorts the image on the other side, but if you don't have any images on the outside of the room it should work. :)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    I actually am trying an emission surface in place of the glass. Since there is no outside image I think that it will look more like sunlight shining into the scene then trying to create a light source outside of the window.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    I've repacked the blend with the changes. The emission addition the window as opposed to glass seemed to improve the image. There is still noise and I have been trying to figure out how to reduce it. I tried a noise reduction node set up but it didn't work the way that the tutorial intended so I deleted it. I'm going to do more research on this subject along with the creation of lighting.

    Written January 30, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    Thanks for the maintenance update.

    The new reflections, specially on the floor add a lot to the scene, good job! :)

    Written January 30, 2014
  • muhtesemozcinar profile picture

    Much better:)

    Written January 31, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture


    Written February 01, 2014
  • Kless profile picture

    I never thought about using a plane with emission on it for windows, learnt something new today :)

    Written January 31, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Awesome. I'm glad that I could give something back in the way of info.

    Written January 31, 2014
  • sizzler profile picture

    Another great blend, @blenderjunky. I didn't see the earlier version but the current version looks very nice.

    Edited January 31, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thanks Sizzler. Incidentally, you make fantastic furniture. I love you stuff. I am trying to learn the process that a lot of people seem to have a great grasp of including you on how to make sofas and love seats. It's the bend of what would be the foam in a real couch that I can't seem to emulate with any success. I admire you abilities.

    Written February 01, 2014
  • centrion profile picture

    Nice, keep up the good work!!

    Written February 02, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thanks. I appreciate it.

    Written February 02, 2014
  • olabs profile picture

    Looks good! I don't how much weight that carries coming from a noob like me.

    Written February 12, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    @olabs lol...everyone on this site was new once. No worries. Thank you very much for the compliment. I appreciate the feedback. My nickname when I joined in December was blendernoob. I had to change it as after my fourth or fifth blend I wasn't considered a noob by some of the best artists on the site. They gave me incredible feedback and are extremely friendly, helpful and full of great ideas and information hat they are willing and eager to share. The site administrators are the same, open to suggestions and willing to help when ever needed. It's a great site, this is my Can't wait to see what you are doing in blender. Welcome to blend swap.

    Written February 12, 2014
  • firmansyah profile picture


    Written February 20, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture


    Written February 20, 2014
  • praveencoorg profile picture

    really nice work..

    Written January 31, 2015
  • nepemex profile picture


    Written July 20, 2022