Milk and biscuits

  • March 06, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: RajChovhan
  • License: CC-BY
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Tried SSS, displacement and normals map for first time to make this .Blend. Unfortunately I had to remove the wood floor texture, cloth texture downloaded from CGTextures website; that biscuit and cap texture is done by me in inkscape. So you can go ahead and download it now. I removed the request for suggestion on a project, 'coz its not proper place for such queries.


  • FayZee profile picture

    Nice little scene. Rumpled napkin, milk properly inside glass, biscuit crumbs.

    You are asking for votes on your three plot set-ups, but I would like to see your initial concept sketches for them first. Could you provide a link?

    I really love your White Rabbit illustration on your "to render" page, and I would also like to investigate your physics model. Is that a Blender model already? Would you be prepared to upload it to Blendswap? Was it from a tutorial or your own design?

    Good profile write-up on Blogspot, why not repeat it here?

    Written March 07, 2014
  • FayZee profile picture

    By the way, good luck with your exams. The accompanying illustration is adorable :-)

    Written March 07, 2014
  • RajChovhan profile picture

    Thanks for the comment. There are no initial sketches, just a short story ideas in my head (sorry if it's un-pro way of starting a animation idea) the actual work will commence after the outdoor project 'm working is finished and if I have time. Like my page title says they are benchmarks of quality I want in my renders not my own renders (something for my blog readers to know my plans and what they can expect) I completed few of them. I'll publish them here. Again thanks :)

    Written March 07, 2014
  • blendzeynep profile picture

    I love it Thanks.

    Written November 28, 2014