Magic Cubes

  • March 17, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Dante
  • License: CC-0
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Trzy magiczne kostki klasyczna 3x3x3, mirror cube 3x3x3 oraz piraminx. Modele są szczegółowo zrobione. Próbowałem zrobić do tego megaminxa ale niestety nie udało mi się. Może ty spróbujesz go zrobić.


This is 3 magick cube classic 3x3x3, mirror cube 3x3x3, and piraminx. Models are HQ. Unfortunately, I could not do Megaminx, but maybe can you try.

made in Poland



  • mischa96 profile picture

    Well done, i can bearly think about how hard it is to make something like this the texturing is great. And the lightning Setup is great too, I like the mirror cube looks great .

    Written March 17, 2014
  • J C Roberts profile picture
    J C Roberts

    Nice work, but I have one minor issue to point out - I'm pretty sure the Pyraminx used white plastic and not black. unless they had those, too, I only remember the original-era one I had being white.

    I also recently saw someone posted a model of a Rubik's cube here that was white. Now, that one WAS black. It doesn't matter that much, I guess, but it would be the more accurate choice.

    Edited March 17, 2014
  • Dante profile picture

    If you type piraminx in googl... a lot of is white, but now majority piraminxs are black. I'm young becouse i don't know the orginal-era.

    Written March 17, 2014
  • J C Roberts profile picture
    J C Roberts

    Ok, I haven't seen them in years, other than my old one. Didn't know they still made them. Yeah, I'm old enough to be most familiar with the original.

    Written March 18, 2014
  • Dopee profile picture

    is it already rigged?

    Written May 01, 2014