As a former Povray user I realized my old project to make
something analogous to a work named 'TopMod StarBall' of Janet Lowry,
published 2007 in Povray's hall of fame (
I think it would be possible to do this in Blender only. To do a part of the
modelling with TopMod is much more comfortable however, because this
program contains a 'Shape Interpolation Mode'.
Different from the wonderful picture of Janet Lowry which is more abstract,
isolated and doing its own thing, my Starball is an exhibit in a museum of
modern art or something similar.
There is no compositing. The ball's material is all procedural. Thanks again
to elbrujodelatribu ( for the gold.
The photograph of the wall is my own and I did the wood texture of the pile with
Filter Forge. The different maps were made with Crazy Bump.
Thank you so much for your credit. This is the starsball I made:
you're a wizard harry.