This is a cycles material which aims to recreate the retroreflective tape you see on emergency vehicles etc. The first image show the material under diffuse light only - whereas the second image shows what the material looks like with a lamp directly behind the camera.
For neutral colours keep RGB values below 1 (e.g. for white/grey tape RGB = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) - however if you want flourescent colours boost the RGB values above 1 (e.g. for green RBG = 0.8, 2.0, 0 - Orange = 2.0, 0.5, 0)
Note - this material does not emit light - it uses the "incoming" slot of the Geometry node to reflect light back to its source. To see the retroreflective effect - the light source has to be "on axis" (i.e. on a line drawn between the object and camera).
Note - to get the patterened effect (i.e. the hexes) you'll need to find a suitable tileable texture.
Hi @Moony. The pics look nice indeed, but you lost your reflectivity-map. If you happen to upload stuff using images you may want to run "bpy.ops.file.pack_all()" or "bpy.ops.image.pack(as_png=False)" in blenders console, to pack those into the file. Happy blending :-)
Nice color, can be very usefull