Steelseries APEX Gaming Keyboard

  • April 09, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: JDHaller
  • License: CC-BY
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This is a responce to a request for a SteelSeries Apex Gaming Keyboard. The request said the lettering for the keys they would take care of. It is wireless right now has a spot to put cable I will do later. No images used for texturing. I welcome feed back as I am learning, I hope. It dose not have all the detail but I hope it is good for somthing. :)


  • JDHaller profile picture

    I added the letter lite. enjoy still need some tweeks... enjoy your blending.

    Written April 10, 2014
  • TrollentoGamer profile picture

    Its Soo Good!

    Written January 03, 2015
  • JDHaller profile picture

    Thank you TrollentoGamer ! I did a bit of learning doing it, was fun. My eyes are not that great at times, and share what is accepted... :)

    Written January 03, 2015
  • IndianPro WWR profile picture
    IndianPro WWR

    That is SOOOO AWSOME!!! How come you are not so satisfied with what you made? Only Pro's can do this!

    Written June 06, 2020
  • Crystal math profile picture
    Crystal math

    how do you put this into Blender??

    Written June 27, 2020