Sci-fi Untextured Weapon Kit (With multiple attachments)

  • April 14, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: infiniityandbeyond
  • License: CC-0
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A sci-fi low poly weapon kit, containing multiple attachments etc. Sorry no textures, only my 3rd project. Does anyone know any really basic texturing tutorials preferably with free programs?

This kit includes lots of attachments to a weapon based on ProxyGreen’s Nyashka ( The gun has some elements which are inspired by the drawing and others which I made up. This is my first ‘big’ project which means there are probably lots of mistakes. If you like it, please like and feel free to use it for whatever you want. There is no obligation to credit me but it would me nice. Thanks and have fun!

In the kit at the moment; 4 muzzles (Default, long range, short range, silencer), 5 sights (ACOG, Ironsights, Handle, Reflex, Thermal), 3 stocks (Assault, Heavy, Light) and 3 under barrel attachments (Grenade launcher, Bayonet, Grip).


  • BlenderBoy55 profile picture

    I'm loving this gun, especially that it's low poly. Job well done.

    Written April 18, 2014
  • infiniityandbeyond profile picture

    Thank you, I can't really do anything else other than low poly :P

    Written April 22, 2014
  • rapingraptor profile picture

    can i use this in a game?

    Written May 05, 2014
  • infiniityandbeyond profile picture

    Sure go ahead, no need to credit me but it would be appreciated! Be sure to send me a link to you game so I can see it in action :)

    Written May 05, 2014
  • danilonobre profile picture

    isn't low poly, but still pretty nice c:

    Written May 26, 2014
  • infiniityandbeyond profile picture

    Thank you, do you think so? I would say it is between mid and low poly. But I don't have that much experience so...

    Written May 29, 2014
  • danilonobre profile picture

    oh, have a lot of loops and faces that not need be there, the concept of "low poly" depends largely on the target you want to publish the game, perhaps for a pc game 11k tris for each object in the scene isn't too much but for a mobile for example... hehe

    look at this gun, made by Bawarner, it's very detailed and have just 3k tris

    see ya, keep awesome!

    Written May 30, 2014
  • infiniityandbeyond profile picture

    Thank you for the clarification, that gun looks great! Will change the name

    Written June 06, 2014
  • jumpingmonkey profile picture

    This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much.

    Written January 15, 2015
  • VonHalem profile picture

    Using your kit as a sniper weapon in my game Robosoul.

    Thank you for your amazing work!

    Written October 21, 2017