While working towards the scene below. I would like to share this nice setup in node editor.
I am looking for moving sky for a scene I want to setup. This is made from my learning resources.
Suggested direction from DredNicolson led me to this tutorial, I credit for this blend.
I only linked to the tutorial I did not make it.
Adding Clouds to Blender Cycles' Sky Texture
Still not what I wanted but very usfull I am sure.
(Good or Bad) I have labeled some nodes, Cloud Dencety Volumes, Wind Directions, Cloud Horizon and Lighten and darken all.
in the Blend I have the wind direction at -1 on x this is drifting the clouds to the right,
a +1 on the x would make them drift to the left.
y values will make the clouds closer and farther
z values will make the clouds higher and lower
Hope it usfull, Please leave feedback. Have fun Blending.
I actually used your tutorial and put a similar blend on CG Trader, for free of course, and gave credits to you! :D And after seeing this tut, I subscribed to your youtube channel, and created your fluffy carpet, and am currently creating your balloons! :D
Thanks! Joey AKA pastorduke (on youtube)
I did not make the Tutorial I used it to make and label what I have here. While I believe a teacher can and will learn from their students. I am glad you liked it, and saw some worth.
Good blending.
Well, then I THANK YOU for introducing me to these tuts! And thank you for your work! Happy Blending!!! :D
Looks cool, I made something almost exactly the same as this awhile ago.
Thanks I am working on a short scene where the clouds are between the moon and the camera. I am also doing something similar to animate the water too.
Hy Great tut. This works great in new blender file, Looks awsome, but for some reason i can't get it to work in existing .blend file. Any thought's on why this could be?
I've also tried to delete the existing world and apend it from a .blend file where i made the world from this video. but that does'nt work either. and when trying to copy the nodes doesn't seem to work either. Cheers
Awesome Tut! Thanks soooo much! :D