Moving cloud world texture

  • April 26, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: JDHaller
  • License: CC-BY
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While working towards the scene below. I would like to share this nice setup in node editor.

I am looking for moving sky for a scene I want to setup. This is made from my learning resources.

Suggested direction from DredNicolson led me to this tutorial, I credit for this blend.

I only linked to the tutorial I did not make it.

Adding Clouds to Blender Cycles' Sky Texture

Still not what I wanted but very usfull I am sure.

(Good or Bad) I have labeled some nodes, Cloud Dencety Volumes, Wind Directions, Cloud Horizon and Lighten and darken all.

in the Blend I have the wind direction at -1 on x this is drifting the clouds to the right,

a +1 on the x would make them drift to the left.

y values will make the clouds closer and farther

z values will make the clouds higher and lower

Hope it usfull, Please leave feedback. Have fun Blending.


  • TowerCG profile picture

    Awesome Tut! Thanks soooo much! :D

    Edited April 27, 2014
  • JDHaller profile picture

    You are very welcome, It is fast and effective, and easy to change.

    Written April 27, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    I actually used your tutorial and put a similar blend on CG Trader, for free of course, and gave credits to you! :D And after seeing this tut, I subscribed to your youtube channel, and created your fluffy carpet, and am currently creating your balloons! :D

    Thanks! Joey AKA pastorduke (on youtube)

    Written April 27, 2014
  • JDHaller profile picture

    I did not make the Tutorial I used it to make and label what I have here. While I believe a teacher can and will learn from their students. I am glad you liked it, and saw some worth.

    Good blending.

    Written April 27, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    Well, then I THANK YOU for introducing me to these tuts! And thank you for your work! Happy Blending!!! :D

    Edited April 27, 2014
  • JohnsonMartin profile picture

    Looks cool, I made something almost exactly the same as this awhile ago.

    Edited April 29, 2014
  • JDHaller profile picture

    Thanks I am working on a short scene where the clouds are between the moon and the camera. I am also doing something similar to animate the water too.

    Written April 29, 2014
  • WhiteWizard profile picture

    Hy Great tut. This works great in new blender file, Looks awsome, but for some reason i can't get it to work in existing .blend file. Any thought's on why this could be?

    I've also tried to delete the existing world and apend it from a .blend file where i made the world from this video. but that does'nt work either. and when trying to copy the nodes doesn't seem to work either. Cheers

    Written May 22, 2015
  • JDHaller profile picture

    Thanks for the download, but the tut was not me! What ver of blender are you using? Here is the fellow who made the tutorial.

    Written May 22, 2015