Bullet animation body rigid simulation

  • April 26, 2014
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Cesium666
  • License: CC-BY
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After playing quite a bit with the fluid simulator, I tried the body rigid and this is my first animation. Very simple one, one bullet and some stuffs to smash.

The blend (image) is not really well worked, I put my effort into the animation. I promise I will give you better stuff in the future, but I think this blend could be usefull for beginners.

Here it is :



  • Dante profile picture

    I do not know how well I call it in English but... the shoot dont fly all bullet, only projectile fly. Cartridge case is ejected from the side arms.

    Written April 27, 2014
  • twin97 profile picture

    Why can I not delete this?

    Written May 13, 2014
  • Cesium666 profile picture

    You are right, I know what you mean, but if I had put the projectile only, it would have been too small for the animation. It is not realistic, I recon, but I did this blend just to get used to the rigid body simulation and also the animation (sound and composite). I hope it can help some beginners ;)

    Written April 27, 2014
  • saburouiine profile picture

    Like it! Looks stop motion.

    Written January 31, 2015
  • Cesium666 profile picture

    thanks. That was my first animation, it looks kind of crappy now.

    Written May 31, 2015