Tooth and spike collection

  • May 01, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: mStuff
  • License: CC-0
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These objects were hand sculpted and painted for a dragon bust I made some time back. They are not super highly detailed, but it works great for characters. There are 27 teeth/spikes in total.

The objects share 3 2k textures between them, color, normal and specular. 15 of the teeth are UV-unwrapped to be more detailed than the rest. These 15 also has one extra subdivision level of multiresolution. If you for some reason want the original 8k textures for these teeth (they don't add much detail, and are pretty overkill), you can download them here

Made for rendering in cycles, but should easily work in internal with a bit of modifying.


  • sahirraza22 profile picture

    Hey,please tell me how to modify it for Blender Internal?

    Written November 03, 2014
  • sendinthejagdpanther profile picture

    I would also find such info helpful, thanks.

    Written December 28, 2014
  • lgv profile picture

    First of all, thank you for sharing this. I made a short film for a contest, and I used your model (credited in the end)

    Written July 16, 2017
  • AnyRPG profile picture

    These look so good. I needed to make a bone claw fist weapon and ended up using one of these as the spike on the damage end. I've included it in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at

    Written October 12, 2020