Earth for Cycles Render

  • May 04, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: WangMandingo
  • License: CC-0
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So I created this as my first complex shader object in Cycles. I know its not perfect but it looks decent enough when compared to others I have seen. BTW: I apologize for the node setup in some of the textures. I had to play around with them a lot to get the effect I wanted.


  • Weezy85 profile picture

    Can you make a planet thats inhabitable to build cities in?? I want to create a game using the earth itself for a map..

    Written May 07, 2014
  • WangMandingo profile picture

    Im not exactly sure what you mean. I imagine that it is possible to create a model of Earth that you could zoom in on and put cities together, however this model uses a displacement map to render the moutains and land features so I don't think it would be optimal for such a venture. Im sorry to say I am just now learning cycles after using blender render for years and am not priivy to the know how it would take to create such an environment. You might want to ask Bill Knetchel ( here on blendswap. He did up a a fantastic youtube tutorial on making a photorealistic Earth. Then theres always Andrew Price over at He has also done many insightful tutorials on modeling in blender.

    Edited May 08, 2014
  • nelsonj3 profile picture

    Great work. I have made several versions of the Earth myself. The atmosphere is difficult to get right. Great work.

    Written December 08, 2014
  • WangMandingo profile picture

    Yeah. Had to play with the shader editor A LOT to get it right. Funny enough, that cool orangish color you see is the result of using a velvet setting for the material. Check out for some info on material effects. It helped me greatly.

    Written December 09, 2014
  • marcinwisniewski profile picture

    Thank you very much! You literally saved my life with this, and this is not only great looking Earth, but it's also rendering reasonably fast :-)

    Written July 12, 2015
  • ARTunchained profile picture

    Great Job man, thanks for sharing!

    Written August 12, 2017
  • tboy31 profile picture

    Thank you for sharing!

    Written April 04, 2018
  • daniel.buzatel profile picture

    Good work, thank you!

    Written April 28, 2020
  • Santoclarine profile picture

    awesome thank you

    Written April 02, 2021