ExoSuit ZX1

  • May 07, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: LeafStorm
  • License: CC-BY
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This is just a really quick exosuit model that I put together in about 4 days. This is again an original design that was sort of based of the suit from Dead Space. If you decide to play around with poses or animate this then I would suggest turning on Simplify so that view port doesn’t run so slow. The rig for this model kind of…sucks at least to me but it’s sort of the best I could do since I’m not used to using weight paint. I also tried to use Rigify for this but it turned out not to work that well but I did end up uses a metarig so sorry if that bone names are a little messed up. Speaking of names I hope no one cares that I never name my objects because I don’t really see a point in it especially when you have like over 100 objects. Anyway if there is anything really messed up with it you can tell me and I’ll try to fix it. Hope you like it!

Hey, it's me from the future. Just so everyone knows, any of my models can be used for whatever you like. :)


  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Very, very cool!

    Written May 10, 2014
  • chrisbreen1995 profile picture

    Sweet, thanks for the share :D .

    Written May 10, 2014
  • amogh profile picture

    Thanks, very detailed. Planning to use it for a game if its alright with you. I will give you credit too. So is it okay with you if I use it for a game?

    Edited May 26, 2014
  • polygonesrus profile picture

    that's the whole point of naming shit. if u do this kind of stuff it's just sooooo much easier keep'in track of things. if u give'em a descriptive name's you'll be able to find them just a little bit easier. Time,,,,,it always make's a difference . just food for thought

    Edited June 07, 2014
  • jksab profile picture

    awesome, good model

    Written October 11, 2015