Shader Ball

  • May 14, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: ThorntonJStrolia
  • License: CC-BY
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This is a shader ball that me and pranavjitvirdi spent much time on...

Please feel free to use it for shader testing and for uploading textures online and for sale.


Please DO NOT upload a modified version of this scene. For all intents and purposes, the grid, lighting and other elements where made that way for a reason, NOT cosmetically. Even the camera angle we used was tailored for this scene.

Please provide a link to this download within the description anytime it is used. Any shader you make, however, is completely yours to do what you want with.

Important information!

There are 3 Scenes that can be interchanged at the top in your info bar. The first is the default Matte scene, the next is a high gloss scene, and the last is a tron grid scene... All 3 scenes are linked! what you do to one happens to the others.

To change the logo on the shaderballs core, there are several packed textures (like the blender logo, luxrender, yaf, and vray) that can be found in an image node that can be seen when viewing node editor.

Always double check that the clamp is set to 0.8 and the samples are set to 750. Periodically things get messed up when me and pranavjit are working on it.

Upon opening, the outside of the shader ball is already selected. All you have to do is add a material, name it, and enter node editor.


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