toa onua

  • July 01, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: frodovial
  • License: CC-BY
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from the first generation of bionicles introduced in 2001 and finished in 2010( what a shame) onua was the toa of rock i personally had one, awesome toy the spots on the legs is just due to the solidify and its not visible when not rendering


  • Dude555 profile picture


    Written July 01, 2014
  • Norrolith profile picture

    That brings back memories.

    Written July 01, 2014
  • frodovial profile picture

    hope good memories... i had 14 bionicles including mata nui this where the best toys ever, dont even imagine how such a succesful saga ends after 9 years, even the replacements hero factory couldnt match bionicles on sales but still lego died for me that day. but again toas were awesome and onua had wolverine claws... how much cooler could it be....

    Written July 01, 2014
  • Norrolith profile picture

    Indeed, though I dabble with Technic/ mindstorms, some thing wonderful ended then. I think that the system they made for HF backfired, The modular setup meant they all loooked alike and there was no challenge to building with them. I would Love for you to do a bolrok, just an informal request.

    Written July 01, 2014
  • frodovial profile picture

    what were the bolroks the word sounds familiar but dont remember

    Written July 01, 2014
  • frodovial profile picture

    could it be a bohrok? i had the first generation of those too! green, blue and second generation red, also the brown rahkshi, from the firs gen gali the toa of water, onua, and lewa, second gen kopaka nua, fourth gen lewa, tahu, gali, also the spirit of mata nua and from that gen a bad guy wich name i dont know its has a scorpion tale and its brown kinda camo, my best friend had makuta that was sooooo cool think my cousin could have theirs too he had 2 gen gali and tahu and some other dont know were they are now and its driving me nuts i had so many toas and bohroks also had those bad guys that could turn into four legs and shoot discs from the mouth

    Written July 01, 2014
  • ElectroMantis profile picture

    I have craploads of Bionicles broken up and stored in my closet. Ah the memories I have of those.

    I used to love how they came with instructions to combine them into a great big one. Sometimes I used to take my entire collection apart and create the ultimate monster of bad-assery. Ah good times.

    But yeah, they sort of went downhill near the end of their run. One of my favorites though is one of the "newer" ones. I don't remember his name but he was the black one from the Inika series. He had the shoulder mounted marble shooter and some of those cool "wolverine" claws as well.

    Other than that, I'm pretty fond of the Rahkshi and Toa Metru series. One of the latter series had these giant speeder bikes that were pretty cool as well.

    Anyways perhaps sometime you could create the other toas? It shouldn't be too hard seeing that the pieces are similar. Or better yet, some toa nuva? (pretty please) :)

    Written July 08, 2014
  • frodovial profile picture

    i my self got lewa nuva and kopaka nuva just found all of my bionicles!, so happy. rahkshis are my favourite villains i got the brown one and my brother the green one also a friend had makuta that was sooooo coool shame lego ended the series such a fine collection of toys. there is one particular year in wich i hated them, sadly i got 3 of those... those on the 3rd movie web of shadows, i have most of pohatu done just few pieces left, so yes i will continue to upload toas this one is really low poly and was a trial the next will be better, i couldnt find my toas when i did this one so had to use images but now i can detailed based on the real toys

    Written July 13, 2014
  • olli34 profile picture


    Written January 27, 2016